Top Spot of the Week: SMUGGLER Director Ivan Zacharias Holds "Data Auction" For Apple


Robert Goldrich
Thursday, May. 19, 2022


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A young woman named Ellie is mortified to stumble across a data auction--finding out that the data being auctioned is hers.

A roomful of people is bidding for her emails, then her drugstore purchases, location data, contacts, recent transactions, late night texting and so on.

She is wholly up for sale until her iPhone screen gives her such options as “ask app not to track” and mail privacy.

As she opts to keep her personal info personal with the flick of a finger, one by one the auction bidders disappear, the last one zapped out of existence being the auctioneer himself.

A parting slogan reads, “Privacy, that’s an iPhone.”

The “Data Auction” spot was directed by Ivan Zacharias of production house SMUGGLER for TBWA\Media Arts Lab.


Client Apple Agency TBWA\Media Arts Lab Production Company SMUGGLER Ivan Zacharias, director.

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