Johannes Leonardo Enlists A Reluctant Alice Cooper To Promote The AMP Awards for Music & Sound


Robert Goldrich
Thursday, Mar. 14, 2024


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Imagine that you’ve coaxed iconic rocker Alice Cooper to appear in a short video promoting the final entry deadline into your advertising awards competition for music and sound, only to learn that he has no idea what it is. On top of that, Cooper is a bit confused as to why he has been asked to do something for an event he’s never heard of in the first place. Cooper at one point is bewildered that an awards show for advertising somehow needs advertising. His manager will hear about this.

So will the advertising community when they get a look-see at this comedy video released by the Association of Music Producers, sponsors of the AMP Awards for Music & Sound, and created by agency Johannes Leonardo. Attic22, the in-house production studio of Johannes Leonardo, produced the work. 

In a separate video, rocker John Oates also reluctantly promotes the AMP Awards for Music & Sound.

“The idea of having immediately identifiable rock stars helping promote an awards show they’re totally unfamiliar with gave us an opportunity for a little ironic humor,” said Mitchell Wojcik, director and photographer of Attic22, who filmed both stars.
The videos remind the industry at large that the extended deadline for the AMP Awards is coming up on Monday, March 18. Full entry information and details can be found here.

“As advertising’s only award show dedicated to music and sound our goal is simple--shine the biggest possible spotlight on all the talented professionals whose work too often doesn’t get the attention it deserves,” explained Leo Premutico, co-founder and creative chairman of Johannes Leonardo and this year’s AMP Awards Show chairperson. “We’re extremely grateful to John and Alice for throwing their weight behind this mission.”


Client The AMP Awards for Music & Sound Agency Johannes Leonardo Production Attic22 Mitchell Wojcik, director, photographer

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