Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023

Build-A-Bear Entertainment releases a new feature film, Unstuffed: A Build-A-Bear Story, directed by renowned documentarian, Taylor Morden (The Last Blockbuster).

Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023

The LEGO Group has released its new Play Is Your Superpower campaign featuring the brand’s first ever fully playable brand film, which celebrates the heroes that can emerge in a world that has forgotten how to play.

Monday, Sep. 25, 2023

Independent film production company Military Movies, will release its first feature on November 3rd with an expansion run on Veteran's Day Weekend. "Lonesome Soldier" is a contemporary rendering of a soldier's experience from the Iraq War. Producers plan is to open throughout the U.S.

Monday, Sep. 25, 2023

Homeless author Tobin Frost is set to captivate readers again with his evocative new novel "Amber"  an eye-opening exploration of the struggles and humanity of the homeless.

Thursday, Sep. 21, 2023

Jimmy Marbles’ latest film, What on Earth, a short that highlights the complexities and anxieties of living in the digital world through analog spaces, premiered on Nowness Friday, September 15th.

Thursday, Sep. 21, 2023

In the heart of Deep Ellum, a historic district pulsating with life, "Tonic" unfolds as a cinematic masterpiece.  Tonic is an homage to the cinema of the late 70s and early '80s drawing inspiration from John Cassavetes's The Killing of a Chinese Bookie and Martin Scorsec

Tuesday, Sep. 12, 2023

Created by Code and Theory, produced by Easy Mondays and directed by Luis Gerard, Con Edison’s new campaign is set in the “clean energy future,” specifically New York

Wednesday, Sep. 6, 2023

If you’ve lived in Texas for any amount of time, you know about Favor. For those who’ve recently moved to the Lone Star State, this campaign serves as a primer of sorts: first thing you need to know is that Texans love ordering from the Favor restaurant delivery app.

Friday, Sep. 1, 2023

If ever there were an argument for manifest destiny, DENUEVO is it: for years, buddies Doug Cox and Rich North have been batting nutty ideas around, as ad creatives are wont to do, as amusements while producing their more “serious” work for brands and agencies.

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