Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020

Three-quarters through "The Climb" comes a scene we've all come to expect in a romantic comedy: A wedding is interrupted by the best man who rushes into a church during a marriage ceremony and screams "I object!" 

He turns to the shocked bride and groom kneeling at the altar and —...

Wednesday, Mar. 4, 2020

It's been nearly 20 years since Mick Jagger last acted, but as the new film "The Burnt Orange Heresy" shows, his chops have gathered no moss. 

In the film, which Sony Pictures Classics will release Friday, Jagger co-stars alongside Claes Bang and Elizabeth Debicki as a devilish art...

Monday, Jun. 24, 2019

Just over 30 years ago, a woman named Tracy Edwards had the idea to lead an all-female crew in the Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race. It wasn't exactly met with a groundswell of support, or any support, for that matter.

The thing is, for a pastime that has so many feminine terms...

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018

Watching the Israeli film "Foxtrot " is like watching a dream play out.

Writer-director Samuel Maoz's ("Lebanon") excellent film is of course more structured than the average dream (or nightmare), with themes and Greek tragedy twists that are expertly crafted to test the heart, but there...

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017

Though he feels blessed with “terrific beginner’s luck” in finding a subject as real and inspiring as 13-year-old Aisholopan for his first feature, The Eagle Huntress (Sony Pictures Classics), director Otto Bell himself is a remarkable story as he put his life savings and capital from...

Friday, Oct. 16, 2015

CBS has refused to run advertising for "Truth," the film starring Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford that revisits a painful episode in the network's past involving a discredited 2004 news story on former President George W. Bush's military service record.

CBS has denounced the movie,...

Sunday, May. 18, 2014

The Cannes Film Festival is only half through, but it's already been a banner festival for Sony Pictures Classics.

The specialty distributor has long been a major presence in Cannes, but rarely has it been as dominant. Sony Pictures Classics brought...

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