Friday, Feb. 4, 2000

The relevance of the Sundance Independent Film Festival to the commercialmaking community has taken on additional dimensions this year, as chronicled by reporter Sarah Woodward in a two-part story, the first installment of which is in this week's issue (see p. 1).

Continuing are the...

Friday, Jan. 28, 2000

The commercial community has received some encouraging news relative to anti-runaway production bills on both the national and state level. A proposed federal wage tax credit—originally thought to cover features and TV/cable programs—would also apply to certain spots (see lead story, p. 1) if...

Friday, Jan. 7, 2000

Jay Friedman, a researcher at HKM Productions, is a member of the Association of Independent Commercial Producers' new technologies committee, which is chaired by AICP/Minnesota president Kirk Hokanson, executive producer of Voodoo Films.

Friedman heads a subcommittee that's examining the...

Friday, Jun. 18, 1999

WHILE SHOOT TAKES pleasure in uncovering obscure, creatively worthwhile spots in "The Best Work You May Never See," there's a heightened gratification when some of that fare goes on to gain wider spread recognition. Most recently, three such commercials were honored-two at The...

Friday, Feb. 5, 1999

THERE'S BEEN QUITE A BUZZ recently over the past, present and future of entertainment talent representation, with some of the conversation tangentially but meaningfully linked to the spotmaking business.

The present is embodied in the imbroglio between Michael Ovitz and...

Friday, Jan. 29, 1999

CLAUDE PARRISH, A MEM-ber of California's State Board of Equalization (SBE), harked back to his days as a teenager, when circumstance made him responsible for handling a property-tax dilemma that jeopardized the family home. Unsure what to do, he remembered hearing a speech in...

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