Director Ben Tricklebank Returns to Tool
Ben Tricklebank
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Multidisciplinary artist and director Ben Tricklebank--known for his cinematic storytelling, immersive installations and interactive filmmaking--has rejoined the roster of Tool. 

Prior to reconnecting with Tool, Tricklebank was most recently repped in the commercialmaking arena by production company JOJX. In his first go-around with the L.A.-based Tool, Tricklebank launched his directorial career. During his transition from experiential design to traditional commercial production, he worked closely with Tool founder Erich Joiner to refine and expand his skill set, contributing to groundbreaking projects that seamlessly blend art and technology.

“Ben is one of the most talented craftsmen in the industry, known for his ability to create stunning, one-of-a-kind experiences for brands,” said Nancy Hacohen, managing director of Tool. “His deep understanding of both the artistic and technical aspects of filmmaking makes him an invaluable asset. We are beyond excited to welcome him back to collaborate on new, innovative projects.”

Tricklebank’s portfolio includes directing films for brands such as Delta, Chase, Fitbit, Lenovo, Audible, Hennessey, Lexus, Mini Cooper, and PlayStation, and collaborating with agencies like Droga5, DDB, BBH, Ogilvy & Mather, The Martin Agency and Google Creative Lab.

His work has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards from Cannes Lions, D&AD, and The One Show. The interactive documentary film for the JFK Presidential Library and Foundation, Clouds Over Cuba, which he and Joiner directed, explored the Cuban Missile Crisis through a unique digital lens, earning a News & Documentary Emmy Award.

“The advent of new technology is allowing us to tell stories in ways we could only dream of five years ago,” said Tricklebank. “Tool has always been at the cutting edge of this evolution, seamlessly merging traditional live-action with innovative digital techniques. I’m thrilled to rejoin the team and continue exploring these uncharted territories.”


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