The Best Work You May Never See: Directors Jonny & Will, Mother London, Thinkbox Enlist Nursery Rhyme Lawyer To Make The Case For TV Advertising


Robert Goldrich
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2022


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Thinkbox, the marketing body for TV advertising in the U.K., is back with this tongue-in-cheek spot, “Happily Ever After,” from agency Mother London, directed by Jonny & Will from Blinkink.

The piece introduces us to Michael Goose, a passionate and devoted lawyer, and his struggle to build his business, which deals exclusively with nursery rhyme-related injustices. Despite his best efforts, the first few years were tough. But after securing a lucrative pay out for Jack and Jill (citing a public right of way and water-fetching bylaw), Michael re-invested the profits in a TV ad for his firm. That’s when everything changed. Overnight, Happily Ever After Law Associates became an institution. It wasn’t long before every blind mouse, eloping spoon, and popped weasel was beating down Michael’s door for legal representation. Cases featured in the new ad include Incy Wincy’s sudden and soaking eviction notice and Mrs Dumpty’s lawsuit for gross “eggligence.”

The ad dramatizes a common story for many businesses: to go to the next stage of growth and scale up, they turn to TV advertising to drive new, widespread demand. With its ability to reach vast audiences, grab attention, engender trust, forge emotional connections, and make brands famous, TV helps brands jump over the moon.

James Lucking, creative at Mother, said, “The hardest part of working on this campaign was being brought face- to-face with the startling amount of injustice, malpractice and negligence which is so abundant in the world of nursery rhymes. We simply knew we had to do something about it. Fortunately, Thinkbox believe in ideas and care about the craft to tell this story. And Blinkink are the perfect partners to deliver on something this bonkers.”



Client Thinkbox Agency Mother London Mother, creative & strategy. Production Blinkink Jonny & Will, directors; Josef Byrne, exec producer; Cindy Burnay, producer; Will Bex, DP; Jonny Sabbagh, Will Harper, Tim cherry-Jones, puppeteers; Joe Withers, art department. Cast Matt Green, Ellie Nunn. Editorial TenThree Nick Armstrong, editor; Rachel Goodger, edit producer. VFX/Postproduction No.8 Jim Allen, VFX supervisor; Alex Gregory, colorist; Glen Percival, postproduction sr. producer; Helen Castelow, illustration; David Khosravani, After Effects animator. Audio No.8 Sam Robson, sound engineer/sound design. Music Supervision Will Harper, Tristan Williams. Media Agency MediaCom

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