Acclaimed music studio, Antfood, unveiled a fresh take on the relationship between creatives and technology at this week's AMP Award show which celebrates the high standards of creativity and professionalism among music production professionals. The film, a first-of-its-kind tribute to non-human creations, highlights the dynamic interplay between technology and artistry in the music production industry.

Antfood meticulously crafted the story, visuals, music, and sound for this innovative project, encapsulating the essence of the current technological landscape. The film serves as a timely love letter to the community of music creators, exploring the joys and challenges brought about by new technological advancements.

Wilson Brown, Antfood ECD & Partner explains the vision: "We wanted to bring an original take to a topic that is dominating every conversation. Of course, there is a mix of fear and excitement around what AI means for creativity, music, and production. We are witnessing revolutionary advances in creativity and productivity along with some snake-oil selling. We aimed to address the elephant in the room and appeal to our diverse community, regardless of which camp you stand in. While the film is irreverent, it touches on the nuance, absurdity, and existential questions of the technological moment we're in. We lampoon current generative AI tropes while also using these tools to build out the entire short film."

Trevor Haimes, Music Producer at Antfood, added: "We are entering another pivotal time in music technology. As musicians and producers, we always find a way to survive during these times. You can embrace it, you can fight it, and you can certainly make fun of it, and I think with this video we did all three of those things."

The film is a testament to the creativity and resilience of music producers in the face of rapidly evolving technology. By blending humor and insightful commentary, Antfood has created a unique piece that resonates with the diverse AMP community and beyond.

Video Source: YouTube


About Antfood
Antfood is a creative audio studio in New York, Amsterdam and São Paulo that uses music and sound to elevate the art and effectiveness of brand media and experience. Antfood’s diverse teams collaborate in world-class studios to craft the best work — together. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, Antfood pushes the boundaries of traditional media to create compelling, memorable experiences.