Titled “You Do Your Thing,” this Turbo Tax spot directed by Raine Allen-Miller of production house Somesuch for Wieden+Kennedy (W+K), Portland, Ore., shows us a series of folks with different circumstances who qualify for certain tax breaks due to those circumstances.
Whether you just started a nomadic lifestyle in a van or had a pandemic-induced career change, TurboTax live online experts can take care of tax issues related to those and all other circumstances, helping customers get the maximum refund from the IRS.
Client TurboTax Agency Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, Ore. Kevin Jones, Patty Orlando, creative directors; Nick Howard, art director; Nick Stoner, copywriter; Orlee Tatarka, director of production; Robert Saxon, executive producer; Jennifer Fiske, sr. producer; Tara Nielsen, design producer; Chris Streger, designer; Christian Clay, strategic planning. Production Somesuch Raine Allen-Miller, director; Molly Griffin, exec producer; Salli Zilles, line producer; Shawn Peters, DP; Jo Carkner, production design/art direction. Editorial Arcade Geoff Hounsell, editor; Mitch Mitchell, assistant editor; Alexa Atkin, post producer; Crissy DeSimone, post exec producer. VFX Timber Ryan Dahlman, head of production; Brian Shneider, lead Flame artist; John Saint-Buzon, Flame assistant; Aryel Melek-Shalom, VFX supervisor/CG artist. Color Blacksmith Mikey Pehanich, colorist. Music Walker Music Sara Matarazzo, managing partner; Stephanie Pigott, sr. exec producer; Dottie Scharr, Danielle Soury, sr. producers; Neha Shastri, sr. producer/music supervisor; Jendayi Bonds, associate producer. Graphics W+K Motion Adam Sirkin, motion lead; Ryan Jacobson, Dan Finn, motion designers; Cameron Blake, producer. Audio Post Lime Studios Loren Silber, mixer; Susan Boyajan, producer.
At the heart of this campaign for Pay.UK Current Account Switch Service (CASS) is a playful yet relatable narrative, brought to life in the hero TV commercial, “Blind Date.” Directed by Rosie May Bird Smith of Biscuit Filmworks for agency House 337, the spot follows a woman nervously meeting her blind date, only to discover the person waiting for her is someone you definitely wouldn’t want to meet on a blind date. The voiceover reassures: ”Blind dates. They’re a bit like switching bank accounts. You don’t want any surprises. That’s why we guarantee there won’t be any when you switch with the Current Account Switch Service.”
“Everyone knows the pain of a bad date, the gut-churning realization you’ve texted your boss instead of your mate, and being stuck next to someone eating the world’s stinkiest lunch,” said Ross Newton, creative director, House 337, who added, “Life is a minefield of unwanted surprises, so coming up with the campaign idea was the easy part. The real challenge was deciding which situations to include and which to ditch. Sadly, these scenarios are all too relatable for us all, myself included.”
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="https://wp-shoot.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/27172312/Current-Account-Switch-Service-Blind-Date.mp4"][/video] Read More