Directed by Tyler Manson of Caviar, this two-minute piece titled Hello From Home Mallory tells the story of a Team USA Paralympian who receives a Hershey’s care package containing a note from a hometown supporter.
Andrew Doga of Union cut this docu-style short, part of a campaign for Hershey’s from Arnold Worldwide.
Client Hershey’s Agency Arnold Worldwide Mat Jerrett, Tim Flood, executive creative directors; Michael Camara, associate creative director/art director; Adam Samara, associate creative director/copywriter; Jill Rothman, executive producer; Arlene Fernandez, sr. producer. Production Caviar Tyler Manson, director; Kim Dellara, Darren Foldes, exec producers; Kelly Bowen, head of production; Barry Fink, producer; Christopher Hoggard, production supervisor. Editorial Union Editorial, NY Andrew Doga, editor; Joseph Garst, assistant editor; Caryn Maclean, exec producer; Lauren Hafner Addison, producer; David Sullivan, Jason Ortenberg, Flame. Postproduction The Mill NY Damien Van Der Cruyssen, colorist; Natalie Westerfield, transfer producer. Audio Post Sonic Union Paul Weiss, mixer; Justine Cortale, Patrick Sullivan, mix producers. Music Comma NY Lauren Pecorella, producer. Graphics Studio 6 Christine Leprine, associate producer.
Plant-based food brand THISโข is bringing its trademark humor to TV screens during Veganuary with the debut advertising campaign from its new creative agency, London-based St Lukeโs.
Centerpiece of the campaign is this film directed by Glenn Kitson through St. Lukeโs in-house production studio, Apostle Studios.
Shot in a mockumentary style complete with hand-held camera work on 35mm film, it stars a glamorous and very upbeat real estate agent who loves being at the top of her profession. She then reveals how after just one taste of the juicy, award-winning THISโข Isnโt Pork Sausages, things changed. If meat-free sausages can taste this good, she reasons, then absolutely anything is possible. And with a flash, our estate agent has decided to become a wingsuit flyer--with somewhat unfortunate consequences.
Nonetheless, she remains cheerful, and the film finishes with the line โTHIS Changes Everything*โ along with a disclaimer that โeverythingโ does not include wingsuit flying abilities.