The latest animated short from Reel FX Animation Studios for mobile giant Seriously's wildly popular title "Best Fiends" is now officially live. The comedic animated short Baby Slug's Big Day Out, directed by Augusto Schillaci, shows that mayhem can ensure from even the tiniest of creatures as a baby slug escapes the nursery and ultimately leaves his finders in a high-pressure situation.
Visual Effects/Animation: Reel FX Animation Studios, Dallas Augusto Schillaci, art dir/VFX supervisor; Scott G. Peterson, digital supervisor; Meghann Robinson, surfacing supervisor; Ty Chen, Yen-Min Hu, Diane Bradley, Casey Kreft, surfacing; Marisol Gladding, Joseph P. Johnston, layout supervisors; Tom Danen, layout; Jessica Hogan, matte painting supervisor; Diane Bradley, matte painting; Paul-Jozef “PJ” Torrevil, cloth & fur supervisor; Delinor Smith II, cloth & fur; Bill Haller, animation supervisor; Angelo Sta. Catalina, animation character lead; Guillaume Arantes, Jean-Francois Barthelemy, Jason Behr, Chris Burnham, Kosta Dracopoulos, Don Dixon, Martin Ferland, Tim Hatcher, Samantha Lagace, Chris Street, Dorian Soto, Chris Burnham, Robin Thiriet, Justin Ustel, David B. Vallone, Philippe Zerounian, animation; John Anderholm, tech supervisor; Seth Schwartz, TD; Ted Lebeau III, render supervisor; Tony Fan, Eddy Lowinkski, VFX; David A. Parrish, SVP of animation; Joanna D. Ferguson, head of prodn. (Toolbox: Maya, Nuke) Agency: None Production: Reel FX Animation Studios, Dallas; Augusto Schillaci, director
Prudential, McCann NY, Director Chris Smith Launch “Beta Baby Bonus”
To mark Prudentialโs 150thโฏanniversary, McCann New York is kicking off the new year welcoming Generation Beta with โThe Beta BabyโฏBonus,โ offering every babyโฏborn in the U.S. on January 1st $150, which could potentially grow to $100,000 when they retire. The work is also launching with a new study, in partnership with McCannโs Truth Central, called โGeneration Beta: Redefining Life, Longevity, and Retirementโ.
The study found that people predict this new generationโฏwill have vastly different lives than today, with 86% of people believing Generation Beta will have jobs that havenโt even been invented yet. Generation Beta is also predicted to live longer than those before them, and the study reveals optimism about a healthcare revolution that will transform their lives--with half of adults believing that cancer will be cured by Generation Beta. Crucially, when it comes to retirement, people see the value of starting early. Eighty percent of prospective Generation Beta parents agree that in an ideal world, parents would start saving for their childโs retirement from birth. In fact, the No. 1 regret among current and prospective parents is that they โdidnโt save more for my retirement.โ
The campaign launchesโฏwith this โGenerationsโ film--directed by Chris Smith via production house SMUGGLER--which interviews Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z on what defines their generation. With every generation known for something, Generation Beta has many unique advantages as it begins to take shape.
Shayne Millington, chief creative officer, McCann New York, said, โItโs not every day a new generation is born. So we needed to made the most of a once-in-a-generation event. Weโre beyond proud to be able to launch... Read More