In this film titled “The Party,” tennis superstar Roger Federer turns a stuffy party on its head and shows how the joyful simplicity of pasta wins over stuffy sophistication every time. With the help of his old teacher chef Davide Oldani and ski star Mikaela Shiffrin, Federer shows that the real party is always in the kitchen–as all the soirรฉe’s guests agree.
Client Barilla Pasta Agency 72andSunny Amsterdam Carlo Cavallone, executive creative director. Production BRW Gary Freedman, director; Giampaolo Sgura, DP. Music Quiet Please Post/VFX Glassworks
Director Ezra Hurwitz, Artistic Director Francesca Harper Team On Short Film “Echoes of Ailey”
Dancer turned director Ezra Hurwitz collaborates with Ailey II artistic director Francesca Harper, featuring movement as museum pieces against the Whitney Museum of American Artโs striking architecture for this short film titled Echoes of Ailey. Commissioned to celebrate โEdges of Aileyโ at the Whitney Museum, the film accompanies the first large-scale exhibition on the life and enduring legacy of visionary artist and choreographer Alvin Ailey. โEdges of Aileyโ is currently on view at the Whitney until February 9.
Animating iconic images from Alvin Aileyโs 20th-century repertory, the film expands on the exhibition by constructing a visual narrative around his storytelling and influences. Set to Radioheadโs โEverything In Its Right Place,โ dancers from the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Ailey II, and The Ailey School capture the emotional core of the companyโs history--physically situating Aileyโs masterworks amongst the Whitneyโs collection.
โAs a child, my grandmother took me to Aileyโs Revelations once a year,โ said Hurwitz. โNo matter how often I saw it, the work captivated me. There isnโt one specific thing I hope viewers take away from the film--or one way to interpret its images. Itโs meant to be an abstract work, like Aileyโs creations.โ
Turning to his archive, Hurwitz and Harper illuminate key sequences symbolic of Aileyโs profound legacy, closing on an uninterrupted sequence from "Iโve Been Buked," the opening movement of Aileyโs legendary "Revelations." Carrying a watershed moment back to its own medium, Echoes of Ailey captures the multigenerational impact of Aileyโs work, continued by his organization. The short film first premiered on Nowness.
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