After capital investments this year in both on-mountain attractions (new summer rides, winter chairlifts) and off- (new retail area and restaurants), POWDR Corp., owner of Copper Mountain, Frisco, Colo., wanted those improvements known. So from this sprung a campaign, agency TDA_Boulder's first work for the new client touting the fun and recreation available at Copper Mountain.
In this TV :30 titled “I! Miss You,” a video game avatar sheds a tear for his former teen gamer, Brad. The lad now prefers real snowboarding to joy-stick combat, leaving his avatar warrior playmate alone in full lament mode.
The :30 is airing on broadcast TV in Colorado, and on Outside TV and on the Tout network where its reach includes Colorado and some of the Midwest (Chicago to Austin).
Ben Perry of L.A. production house Hobnob directed “I! Miss You.”