1) Women’s voices are becoming louder. Women are fighting (still!) for ownership of their bodies, they’re forming strong communities, they’re running for office, they’re making change and normalizing talk around important issues. Women are creating a much more open and honest dialog than ever before about everything woman from abortion to sex to menopause to mental illness to everything. Nothing is taboo, nothing is off the table.
As a woman-owned creative agency dedicated to elevating what matters to women, we are running head first into this challenge to help our clients communicate openly and authentically with women, raising awareness and motivation to bring previously “hidden” products and topics (sex toys, lube for vaginal atrophy, adult incontinence, fertility technology, cannabis, etc.) into the mainstream.
2) Our “Do it. Every day.” campaign for adult retailer, Lion’s Den (http://www.fancynyc.com/lions-den) is changing the conversation around shopping for sex toys. Making it into a normal, everyday thing that “people just like me” are doing. Treating sexual health like any other daily workout, and suggesting that there’s no time that’s not a great time for a little fun and connection. Giving women the confidence and courage to walk into the store and ask for whatever they want. It’s working. Women love the work and have been flocking to the store.
3) One of the loudest groups of women is a relatively ignored one. At least as far as brands are concerned. They have money, they have influence, they have 40+ years on this planet. Little by little, we are seeing brands embrace this invisible group (Chico’s How Bold Are You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A49Q9z__1Sk and Criminal Case: Pacific Bay https://vimeo.com/217023330 ). It’s our prediction that as brands wake up to the fact that women over 40 aren’t letting it all go, in fact, they’re building fortunes, launching companies, winning political offices and yes, spending money on new, interesting, relevant, game-changing products and services, more and more will want to engage in a conversation with this important group.
4) Again, women matter here. Libresse’s “Blood Normal” winning the Glass Lion for Change brings to light a part of life of 50% of the population that’s been hushed, and secreted, and obscured forever. #metoo and Time’s Up and the courageous women who first told their stories, and then spoke out at the awards shows in Hollywood, are empowering women to add their voices, not just around the issue of sexual misconduct but also demanding equal pay. For the first time, any kind of disrespect for women is being considered very seriously and this is creating a better lens through which to view the work and the way we work.
5) As a small agency, we’re hesitant to add technology that will ultimately complicate our lives in an effort to simplify them. That said, keeping track of all of our projects, managing what could be done when, etc. was becoming overwhelming. So our head of project management has pushed us onto Asana to keep tabs on the work, who’s doing what, and who needs to be reminded to do it. I’ve come to love the sight of that little unicorn flying by as I complete a task!
6) We’re a 100% woman-owned and led creative agency. And we’re dedicated to elevating what matters to women. That includes creating an environment and work structure that compliments the way women want to work, seeking talent that intimately understands the project and the target (which are almost always female-focused), and can bring perspective that pushes the idea and the conversation forward. When we work with new talent we mentor by example. Seeing women who have had babies, raised children, built careers, then built a business lets newer women in the industry see that it can be done. It’s not easy, it’s not balanced (there are lots of ups and downs), but it is ours, and it is the future.