We are having a 24-hour Summer Sale on July 30th!
You can save 40% off full products, upgrades and new subscriptions in the redgiant.com store. Discount applies to all regular and academic customers.
When: Tuesday 7/30/19 @ 8:00 AM PDT – Wednesday 7/31/19 @ 8:00 AM PDT (24 hours)
Discount: 40% off
Here’s what’s included in the 40% discount:
- Suites
- Individual products
- Full licenses
- Upgrades
- New Universe Subscriptions* โ-
- Academic store (which is already 50% off)
These products can be purchased at 40% off in our Red Giant store. If you have any pre-sales questions, we are here for you. Please contact us at redgiant.com/support and we’ll help you out.