Out of the Blue owner and colorist Micah Kirz made the lights shine bright in an eye-catching commercial for the Rockettes’ new show “Heart and Lights.” Premiering at Radio City Music Hall in March 2014, “Heart and Lights” will celebrate the passion andenergy of the Big Apple. To help drive buzz around the show, Radio City Music Hall wanted to develop a video that highlighted the action and excitement of its hometown. “Working on this promo, I was able to take one of the brightest and most vibrant cities in the world and make it shine even brighter for everyone watching to enjoy,” said Kirz. Using BMD DaVinci Resolve, Kirz was able to showcase the sparkle and radiance associated with the Rockettes. The result was a video that quickly grabs the attention of any viewer, whether seeing it on the big screen at Radio City Music Hall or Madison Square Garden or on their own television.
SPW Credits
Agency: Batwin and Robin
Color Grade: Micah Kirz @OutoftheblueNY
Color Grade: Micah Kirz @OutoftheblueNY
Editor: Gary Hernandez
EP for OutoftheblueNY: Steve Bodner
ScreenWork Categories:Broadcast Promotion
Style:Live Action
Dutch Boy Paints’ “Works Hard For You”
Explore Media was chosen by Britton Marketing to produce a Professional Series advertising campaign. This 2024-2025 campaign, titled “Works Hard For You”, led by Chicago-based director Jeremy Pinckert, was cast and filmed in the Atlanta, Georgia region and features outdoor home improvement shots. Viewers can view the commercials in the fifteen-state region where Menards’ stores are located. Read More
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