“Mentors” juxtaposes two scenarios involving the game of chess: one stark and foreboding, in which black pieces knock one another off the board, and a brighter, more hopeful vision of a Black mentor and mentee playing the game in the light of day. Produced by Commercial Directing Film School and directed by alumnus Devin Jordan, “Mentors” was created for Holistic Evolution, serving young men of color aged 16-24 in Northwest Indiana. Creative Director Dan Councilor of Leo Burnett Detroit lent his services to the project, as did DP Ben Brady, editor Susan Munro of Hybrid Collective, Aurastan Music Design, and Nice Shoes.
SPW Credits
Title: “Mentors” Client: Holistic Evolution Founder: Esther Lewis; Creative Director: Dan Councilor, Leo Burnett Detroit; Production Co.: Commercial Directing Film School Director: Devin Jordan, Executive Producer: Jordan Brady, DP: Ben Brady, 1st AC: Bashy Jamal; Editorial: Hybrid Collective Editor: Susan Munro, VO: Starr Session, Assistant Editor: Niko Radicanin; Sound Design: Aurastan Music Designs Mix: Gregory Ives; Color: Nice Shoes Colorist: Sam Ommen, Producer: Keith McCabe, Executive Producer: Tara Holmes, EP/Development: Jonathan Becker
ScreenWork Categories:Commercial
Don’t Go There on an Airplane! Explore, Director Jeremy Pinckert, and Go RVing Release “Airplane Problems” Commercial Spot
Explore, director Jeremy Pinckert and Go RVing did not need to go far to gain inspiration for their latest commercial production. "Airplane Problems" was initially conceived as an audio-only campaign, but Go RVing's SVP/CMO Karen Redfern asked Explore to adapt the script into a new, live-action commercial. Explore used their direct to brand process that allows them to come alongside internal agencies and provide elevated levels of production. The adaptation from audio ads to live-action spots involved re-writing lines and adding a few iconic scenes from Pinckert’s ideas to provide anchor moments for the ads. For the airplane creative, a notable line change now would have a little girl say, "Daddy has my charger"; added elements include an unruly seat partner who sits right in the middle of the family and proceeds to eat messy food; and a scene showing the missing Dad in the middle seat of a row in the back of the plane.
Explore and director Jeremy Pinckert also added a visual hook to the ending of the spot not in the audio-only ads, leaning on his own experiences traveling with his family. He found his hands were always full, clutching boarding passes, carry-on bags, his phone, headphones, and of course, his coffee. In the commercial, there is a moment where all of the frustrations are just too much for the protagonist and they almost curse in front of their family. The Go RVing voice of reason cuts off the curse with a timely, "Don't Go There!" line, before a tagline comes in to say, "Go RVing." This works for an audio-only script, but for the live-action digital commercials, Pinckert knew the production would need a moment, a beat, a transition shot to bridge between the curse and when viewers see a pleasing shot of an RV family in a beautiful... Read More
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