Presented by American Greetings, a powerful new documentary series follows five people creating and fulfilling their personal “ThankList” honoring those who shaped them as a person. Created via Mullen, the project was directed by two-time Oscar® winning filmmaker Barbara Kopple of Nonfiction Unlimited and edited by Sloane Klevin and Marco Perez of bicoastal Union. The series is comprised of the “Official Trailer,” “Ron’s ThankList,” “Chuan’s ThankList,” “Waliek’s ThankList,” “Cholene’s ThankList,” and “Lexi’s ThankList”.
Client: American Greetings
Titles: “Trailer,” “Ron’s ThankList,” “Chuan’s ThankList,” “Waliek’s ThankList,” “Cholene’s ThankList,” “Lexi’s ThankList”
First Airdate: March 25, 2015 (online)
Agency: Mullen / Boston
Executive Creative Director: Tim Vaccarino, Executive Creative Director: Dave Weist, Creative Director: Jon Ruby, Associate Creative Director, Copy: Andrea Mileskiewicz,Associate Creative Director, Art: Blake Winfree, Director of Broadcast Production: Zeke Bowman, Producer: Vera Everson,
Production Company: Nonfiction Unlimited / NY
Director: Barbara Kopple, EP: Michael Degan, EP: LJ/ Loretta Jeneski, HP: Patrick Degan, Producer: Michael Manacop
Editorial Company: Union Editorial / NY
Editor: Sloane Klevin, Editor: Marco Perez, Asst. Editor: Adriana Machado,Executive Producer: Caryn Maclean, Senior Producer: Susan Motamed
The Undeniable Voice of Art
Creative Growth, the first organization dedicated to supporting artists with developmental disabilities, has teamed up with creative marketing company, John McNeil Studio to unveil its new brand. Representing 50 years of elevating the work of artists with disabilities within the arts community, Creative Growthโs new brand campaign includes a new identity and logo, new positioning, brand film and a redefined strategy centering on the โundeniable voice of art.โ Creative Growthโs evolved brand is at the forefront of a shift towards art that stands for the inherent reveal โ the power of artistic expression to bring understanding and connection to us all. The brandโs new expression includes unobtrusive color and design choices that purposely donโt compete with the voice of the artist and instead, serve as a container for the art to have a voice of its own. Executive Creative Director, Gerald Lewis of John McNeil Studio explains โWe needed to create a powerful, distinctive voice for the brand. But, it couldnโt compete with the voice of the artists because in the end, the art has to speak. It had to be simple, honest and genuine, in line with the mission of Creative Growth. Artists will spend 30 years making work, honing their craft and following their voice inside this space. We wanted to celebrate that. So, while the mark, the brand, is simple and honest, itโs also expansive and energetic.โ Kicking off the new brand campaign is a short film capturing the voice of artist William Scott as he walks through downtown Oakland and enters... Read More