A familiar face has been spotted playing Rise of Kingdoms, does he remind you of that Viking?
Ever wondered what it would be like if a Viking retired to the suburbs?
Battery, the Los Angeles-based creative advertising agency, readies Rise of Kingdoms players for an all-new civilization of Vikings with a fresh campaign airing on OTT and digitally in the U.S., Canada and Australia. The latest Vikings map brings unrivaled degrees of freedom to the world's first true RTS gameplay from Lilith Games, which is currently ranked among the top five largest Chinese mobile gaming publishers.
In the centerpiece live-action spot, a gritty Norse warrior (played by Vikings alum actor Alexander Ludwig) finds himself in the hinterlands of suburbia. The sparkly residential neighborhood makes for the perfect comedic backdrop as our Viking hero attempts to go about his day, yet his scarred mug and handy mead horn cause him to repeatedly fend off questions from a nosy neighbor.