Just before christmas <a href="(www.utopiapeople.com)“>UtopiaPeople launched a site for creating showreels. It is a subscription based service with a user friendly drag and drop function that has been custom built for TheShowreel. The included software compresses and uploads all formats of Quicktime automatically to high quality H262 FLV, which makes this service incredibly easy to use. If Quicktime can play it, so can TheShowreel.
TheShowreel has been custom built in cooperation with Swedish streaming experts Navicast, and is geared towards advertising, TV and the film business. The user is not required to have prior knowledge in programming for the web, nor compressing in order to create an internet based showreel with it’s own web address. TheShowreel markets itself both to the freelancers in these areas of work, but also towards companies who want to display their work in DVD quality. The service includes support for iPhone/smartphones, playorder, download, password protection, podcasting and offers streaming in amazing 1500K which gives the viewer a picture with higher quality than a DVD. Subscriptions are very reasonably priced for both individuals and companies.
“This tool was something I was missing since Vimeo and Youtube do not cater to the professional market. They do not show my work the way it is meant to be seen. Also, this service is something that our freelancers have requested for a long time” says Stefan Strรถm, co-founder and also a senior TVC editor.
Hanna Kallin, co-founder, explains further”This site is unique in the way that there is nothing out there that gives you the resolution that TheShowreel does. Our premium clients is not looking to be seen next to online advertising and funny home videos. This is their profession, and we have now constructed a site with a function that lets you show your work to the professional market and that without being a internet expert, anyone can use it”
About <a href="(www.utopiapeople.com)“>UtopiaPeople ((www.utopiapeople.com))
Freelance agency <a href="(www.utopiapeople.com)“>UtopiaPeople was founded in 2007 by Stefan Strรถm and Hanna Kallin. The company is the largest agency for people in production and postproduction representing more than 5800 freelancers. <a href="(www.utopiapeople.com)“>UtopiaPeople operates worldwide, but is based in Stockholm, Sweden.
About Navicast ((www.navicast.net))
Navicast is the oldest internet-tv company in Sweden and a global pioneer within online video.The company is still run by the founder, Erik Fohlin.
Navicast is in the forefront of the development of streaming and compressing for the internet.
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