The trailer has launched for CURRY & CYANIDE: THE JOLLY JOSEPH CASE, India Today Original's first documentary feature with Netflix India, offering an intriguing glimpse into a sorrowful series of events. Bicoastal Union handled offline editorial for the film, with Union’s Jim Haygood & Zach Kashkett serving as Supervising Editors. Katherine LeBlond produced, alongside Moumita Sen, with two-time National Award-winner Christo Tomy directing. The doc debuts on Netflix on December 22, 2023.
“Managing the project remotely with a talented team based in Mumbai added a unique dimension to the creative process, illustrating the power of collaboration across borders in the digital age,” said Kashkett, a Staff Editor at Union who steps into the Supervising Editor position for the first time.
Kashkett previously edited the acclaimed 2021 Netflix India doc HOUSE OF SECRETS: THE BURARI DEATHS, also produced by LeBlond and on which Haygood served as Executive Producer/Supervising Editor.
Based on the Koodathayi Cyanide Case, CURRY & CYANIDE chronicles the trial of Jolly Joseph, a professor, mother, wife, and daughter mostly known for being a chatty churchgoer. She stands accused of poisoning her family of six, including a two-year-old.
Through firsthand testimonials, director Tomy explores the dramatic contrast between the public image of Jolly Joseph and the sinister truth that lies beneath the surface.
About Union
Union Editorial has offices located in Los Angeles, New York, Austin, and London, where it maintains an alliance with Marshall Street Editors. The company also develops and produces original content. Other Union companies include Hunter, which provides finishing services, vfx, graphics and mix for commercials, features and gaming. Union is presided over by Partner/Managing Director Michael Raimondi alongside Executive Producer Joe Ross and Head of Production Dani DuHadway in LA, Partner/Managing Director Caryn Maclean alongside Executive Producer Melissa Lubin in NY, Executive Producer Vicki Russell in Austin, and Logan Aries, Executive Producer of Hunter. The Union roster is comprised of Partner/Editors Jim Haygood, Einar Thorsteinsson, Jay Friedkin, Sloane Klevin, Marco Perez, Merritt Duff, Graham Turner, and Chris Huth, editors Daniel Luna, Laura Milstein, Jason Lucas, Karen Kourtessis, Kevin Ray, Rachael Connelly, Zach Kashkett, Andrea MacArthur, Amanda Perry, Justin “Q” Quagliata, Vinnie Hobbs, Rodrigo Brazรฃo, Rick Lawley, and Jono Griffith, as well as select projects with Guicho Flores, Teddy Gersten, Tim Thornton-Allan, Matt Chesse, John Mayes, Spencer Ferszt, and the Marshall Street roster.
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