TwoPoint0’s Anthony Marinelli has edited yet another round of spots for Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture, collaborating closely with ad agency creatives from DeVito/Verdi. Marinelli has enjoyed a long-term collaboration with the creative team behind these humorous spots.
In 2015, DeVito/Verdi Creative Directors, Rob Slosberg and Matt Songer, approached TwoPoint0 Editor, Anthony Marinelli, with a unique commercial project. It was for Bernie & Phyl’s Furniture, based in Boston MA, and involved using archival footage from old movies, training films, and documentaries culled from Getty Images, and giving it the “What’s Up Tiger Lily” treatment. For those unfamiliar with that very early Woody Allen film from 1966, it involved using a Japanese spy movie and replacing the soundtrack with a completely unrelated story, voices and music for ultimate comic effect. That is precisely what they have achieved with the Bernie & Phyl’s campaign that is now into its second year, and has been credited with both increasing store sales and creating a healthy amount of controversy among some of its customers.
As Marinelli describes it: “When Rob first brought this to me, we weren’t quite sure what it was going to be,” he notes. “There were a few rough scripts, some footage that he, Matt and Barbara had pulled from Getty, and then us in the sound both recording character voices. Afterwards, it became about adding sound design and music (which was pretty much entirely sourced from APM). We started having so much fun; we forgot we were working. It reminded me of when I first started in the business.”
To view Editor/Partner Anthony Marinelli’s reel at TwoPoint0, go to:
DeVito/Verdi Creative Director Rob Slosberg puts it this way: “There is having fun with an Editor. There is collaborating with an Editor. On rare occasions, there is jumping in the recording booth with an Editor to do absurd voices to make a funny rough cut. But it's on the rarest occasion, you get to do all of the above. Me, Matt and Anthony had a complete and total blast putting our spots together. It started out as a creative pitch, and we ended up producing 25 or so for air. My favorite is getting the complaints about the spots for using drunk people, (bleeped out) profanity and S&M, to name a few. We are very proud. Anthony is A+. Funny, smart, great editing choices, excellent musical choices. You can't have much more fun in advertising than the days we put these spots together. Thanks to Anthony and Wendy and Barbara Michelson, our Producer.
“Working on this project was a Producer's dream,” says Barbara Michelson. “The team of Rob, Anthony, Matt and Wendy makes this one of the most enjoyable ongoing campaigns ever. From sourcing unique clips, imagining how to rewrite the meaning into a Bernie & Phyl's message, telling the story in :15 or :30 seconds, voicing them so well that the client fell in love with the scratch tracks, is like working with a finely tuned orchestra or a hot new band. Anthony is always game to plunge in and make things work, find great music, and make us laugh. I never felt like it was an imposition to ask him to try something. And Wendy is always standing at the threshold ready to find audio time and meet our deadlines to finish. It is really fun to work this way for a client who is willing to take a chance and an editor who is able to meet the challenge and keep it fresh.”
Marinelli has just wrapped up another round of Legal Sea Foods spots as well. His short film “Acoustic Space,” which he wrote/directed/edited, just won the “Best Original Screenplay” Award at the Richmond International Film Festival. Marinelli also just penned a blog post on Preston Sturges for the Audience Awards web site:
Newly signed TwoPoint0 Editor Terence Ziegler is currently in the midst of a project for Enterprise, his first project with the company. Editor Keith Olwell is cutting a second round of a Chevron Delo campaign for digital agency VML, and a campaign for University of Iowa Children’s Hospital for Lewis Communications.
About TwoPoint0:
With years of industry experience between them Partner/Executive Producer/Editor Wendy Rosen & Partner/Editor Anthony Marinelli launched TwoPoint0 in Fall 2015. Based on an innovative, new business model, the editorial company and creative collective features the talents of the two founding partners, as well as such luminary Editors as: Terence Ziegler, Charlie Cusumano, Jane Keller, Nick Lofting, John Marinis, Keith Olwell, Jon Rosen and Jón Stefánsson.
According to Wendy Rosen & Anthony Marinelli, TwoPoint0 is a collective wherein creative Editors can feel as though they have a home. “It is an answer to the constantly shifting advertising/post-production landscape where more and more highly experienced, talented creative individuals prefer to be in the freelance world, yet still desire administrative, production and promotional support,” explains Rosen.
“We take the post-production model a step beyond the previous four-walling concept,” adds Marinelli. “We provide a seasoned Executive Producer with Wendy, who is also an Editor herself, so she really understands what the needs of an Editor are on any given project. We also have all the staff-support needed for a flawless experience. Wendy actively represents Editors in the collective, assessing upcoming jobs in the marketplace and determining a complimentary Editor for a particular project or client.
“Envision a new working model and a company, a collective, that is flexible, nimble and ready to meet the challenges of today’s advertising, production and post-production market,” explains Marinelli. “To borrow a Marshall McLuhan analogy, we’re no longer looking into the rearview mirror of the industry, but focusing our attention on the road ahead.”
As founding partners in TwoPoint0, for Rosen & Marinelli, their goal and mission is to create more opportunities for freelance Editors while offering greater flexibility to clients by customizing each project to their needs, from conception to completion, with an eye towards comfort and convenience in the process. Ready to meet the challenges of a constantly evolving industry, putting the work first, providing all the technical expertise, creativity and passion every project demands.