Hilton HHonors and Visa teamed on their newest campaign, starring Judy Greer. Directed by Twist's Matt Pittroff for ad agency HZDG, the new three-spot campaign encourages viewers to skip the stress of vacation planning and make lounging by the pool their first priority. With the Hilton HHonors App, you can skip all that nonsense, choose your own accommodations and earn up to 5,000 extra points if you pay with Visa. The new campaign for the Hilton HHonors App and Visa reminds viewers that planning their vacation and choosing the right hotel should be a breeze, encouraging them to start their vacation early.
View the spots here: https://reel.io/__mVVzV
Screenwork Credits
Client: Hilton Worldwide
Director of Hilton HHonors Marketing: Amanda Bailey
Director of Portfolio Marketing: Jackie Rosen
Manager of HHonors Marketing: Lindsey Cardaci
Sr. Manager of Mobile Product & Innovation: Rich DiStefano
Client: Visa
Senior Director: Sarah Carroll
- "Review Reader"
- "Tab Opener"
- "Worrier"
Advertising Agency: HZDG
Creative Director: Chad Stockton
Senior Copywriter: Chris Minesinger
Account Executive: Kathleen O'Connor
Producer: Brenna Mathers
Production Company: Twist
Director: Matt Pittroff
Producers: Alissa Liebert, Jim Geib President/EP, Amyliz Pera/EP
Line Producer: Nathan Haener
Editorial/Audio Company: Cerebral Lounge
Editor: Owen Lang
Post-producer: Jessica Hudson
About Twist
A North American based global production company, Twist has offices in New York, Los Angeles, Minneapolis & Baltimore. Headed by EP/President Jim Geib and EP Amyliz Pera with newest Producer addition Alissa Liebert, Twist features a diverse Directorial roster in addition to the worldwide creative collective: Tomato. Some of Pittroff's recent projects include the first National campaign for Firehouse Subs, a campaign for Bank of America, and spot work for Dunkin Donuts. Alogside Pittroff's new work includes Igor Borghi's work for Top Gear, Marc André Debruyne's new Busch Gardens spot, Scott Pitts' digital recipes for Bob Evans, Marcos Zavitsanos' new Busch Racing spot, and Tomto's work for the Nobel Foundation. www.twistfilm.com