T-Mobile collaborated once again with the creative team at Timber on its latest “Love Triangle” spot. The ad features artist Nicki Minaj and the ever-charming Snapchat ghost competing for the attention, or should we say, data of Steven. Steven finds himself trapped in a limited data situation where he realizes, with some slight shade by T-Mobile, that Verizon is just not going to cut it.
Screenwork Credits
Client: T-Mobile Spot Title: “Love Triangle”
Advertising Agency: Publicis
Creative Directors: Earl Wallace, Rob Kleckner, Producer: Wade Harpootilian, Executive Producer: Jason Lucas
Production Company: Caviar
Director: Ruben Fleischer, DP: Jo Willems, Executive Producers: Michael Sagol, Jasper Thomlinson, Producer: Omar Bustos,
Editorial Company: Arcade
Editor: Kyle Brown, Assistant Editor: Josh Sasson, Sr. Producer: Rebecca Jameson, Head of Production: Kirsten Thon-Webb, Managing Partner: Damian Stevens
Postproduction Company: Company 3
Colorist: Dave Hussey
VFX Company: Timber
Creative Directors/Partners: Jonah Hall & Kevin Lau, Executive Producer: Sabrina Elizondo, Lead Flame Artist: Miles Kinghorn, Flame Artists: Mark Loso, Chris DeCristo, Flame Assist: Austin Lewis, Brandon Harden, Jason Giamara, Nuke: Jason Forster, Michael Loney, Design/2D Animation: Sean Starkweather, Gabriel Valente Ferrรฃo, Dan Blank, Jesse Jones; CG: Brad Hayes, Lyz Holder, Casey Benn, Jon Lorenz, Andrew Schreiber, Producers: Lauren Loftus, Megan Kennedy
Music Production Company: Wool & Tusk
Audio Company: Eleven Sound
Mixer: Ben Freer, Assistant Mixer: Justin Meltzer, Executive Producer: Suzanne Hollingshead, Producer: Melissa Elston
View the new spot here: https://vimeo.com/184568913
About Timber
Timber was founded for the sole purpose of creating compelling content for clients. We put design first and strive to look at each project as a unique opportunity to make something memorable. From design and illustration to visual effects and finishing, our collective experience draws from a wide range of disciplines. Timber’s talented team honed their skills at some of the most respected design and postproduction companies in the industry, including Superfad, Digital Domain and Mirada. Our goal is to help our clients fully realize all their creative endeavors. www.timber.net