Los Angeles-based Third Street Mining Company (3MC) calls out the lawn and garden competition in a new integrated campaign, “Turf Wars,” for Sears/Craftsman out of Y&R, Chicago. “Turf Wars,” which features four web films and a broadcast :30, employ a charming and surly Sears man who challenges customers to look to Sears for lawnmowers and tractors instead of Lowe’s, John Deere or Home Depot. “Turf Wars” is unapologetically blunt comparative advertising, explicitly throwing ‘mud’ at its competitors and touting Sears’ superior products and services.
The initiative also features social media outreach and a mobile app, “Yard Guru,” which allows shoppers to directly compare Craftsman products in-store with Home Depot and Lowe’s.
Says 3MC EP John LaChapelle, “After having just come off the reality-based Domino’s ‘Behind the Pizza’ campaign, which was truly an exciting and enlightening experience, we jumped at the chance to tackle this Sears project. This is the type of commercial making that keeps things fun; it’s a bitch and tiresome, but in the end, you never remember the nice boring weddings, ya know? Simply put, these types of projects are logistical chaos where you can’t leave one thing to chance. It’s do or die, live theater, one screw up and you’re done for.”
The web films, “Manifesto,” “Monologue,” “Sundress,” and “Tight Turn,” take various angles on direct comparison, including customer field-tests and even a beautiful female model personifying the range of products at Sears.
“Manifesto” opens on employee and true-blue Sears man, John, in front of a Sears store, standing in a battle-ready stance alongside a ride-on Craftsman lawnmower. He declares, “A man’s lawnmower is his most outward expression of pride. Well cut, and it’s a right hook to the ego of the guy across the street.” We cut to a shot of John riding in a Sears “Turf Wars” semi-truck hauling an ordnance of lawnmowers, as he proceeds, “But, in order to fight the good fight, you have to have the best artillery.” We then cut to a nearby Home Depot parking lot being canvassed in sod as the team of lawnmowers are brought in to prepare for battle. John continues in the background, “That’s why we’re starting a turf war. A battle once and for all for the right to be the mower or tractor that cuts your sacred acre.” We cut to John stationed in front of the league of lawnmowers as he states, “At Sears, we’ll fight Home Depot and Lowe’s to make sure you get the most tractor, most innovation and the lowest prices—all backed by the nation’s largest service organization.” The video concludes with John, brimming with Sears pride as he states, “If we have to bruise a few egos along the way to prove our point, so be it. ‘Cause your lawn is worth fighting for. It’s a turf war.”
Neil Tardio, who directed the Sears broadcast :30 “Turf Wars,” was also the director behind Domino’s Pizza’s recent, and wildly successful campaign, “Behind the Pizza,” which exposed consumers to the truth about Domino’s Pizza ingredients.
Client: Sears
Product: Craftsman
Title: Web films: “Manifesto” :42, “Monologue” :50, “Sundress” :40, and “Tight Turn” 1:28; “Turf Wars” :30
Airdate: Currently airing/online
VP & CMO: Martin Lee
Director, Marketing Planning: Phil Reiter
Executive Producer: Jan Collins
Director, Creative: Joe Michaelson
Agency: Y&R, Chicago
CCO: Bob Winter
SVP, Director of Integrated Production: Brian Smego
SVP, Group Creative Director: Chris Cancilla
SVP, Creative Director: Corey Ciszek
Associate Creative Director: Todd Taber
Account Director: Whitney Friedrich
Account Executive: Sara Lalich
Assistant Producer: Chris Wickman
Production Company: Third Street Mining Company, LA
Director (web films): Third Street Mining Company
Director (broadcast :30): Neil Tardio
Executive Producer: John LaChapelle
Producer: Pete Vitale
Production Supervisor: Thomas Martin
Editorial: BEAST, Chicago
Executive Producer: Melissa Thornley
Editor: Sean Berringer
Producer: Lauren Scheuer
Production Services: Rank + File, LA