Sweet Spot Productions, a full-service marketing agency specializing in conceiving, developing and producing consumer and trade campaigns promoting feature films and videogames, is currently celebrating the company’s three “Golden Trailer Awards” nominations for 2008. Don Scotti and Joe Takats, co-founders of Sweet Spot Productions, made the announcement.
Sweet Spot’s 2008 “Golden Trailer Awards” nominations are for:
> BEST FILM FESTIVAL TRAILER: “HorrorFest 2007: 50 Foot Woman Trailer”
> BEST FILM FESTIVAL TRAILER: “HorrorFest 2007: Main Event Trailer”
> TRASHIEST TRAILER: “The Tripper: Comic-Con Trailer”
The 2008 “Golden Trailer Awards” will take place on May 8th, at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles. The show is devoted to honoring the creators and producers of the best feature film previews seen during the course of the previous year. Since moviegoers consistently rate movie trailers as the most entertaining part of the theater-going experience, the “Golden Trailer Awards” celebrates the craftsmanship and allure of these potent mini-epics with a fast-paced awards show whose frenetic and sometimes irreverent style is perfect for the post-MTV era. For more info: www.goldentrailer.com
Don Scotti and Joe Takats bring decades of marketing, branding and promotional experience to their company, Sweet Spot Productions. In 2007, the duo was nominated for two Key Art Awards, for their marketing work behind the feature film “An American Haunting” and for After Dark Films’ “HorrorFest” film festival. Before launching Sweet Spot, Scotti spent many years working at legendary trailer house Kaleidoscope Films Group, ultimately becoming that company’s Vice President, while Takats earlier served as Creative Director for Miramax Films, where he won four Key Art Awards.
Scotti and Takats have produced various promotional campaigns for a broad array of feature films as well as videogames, including “SEGA Superstars Tennis,” “Viking: Battle for Asgard,” “Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games,” “The Golden Compass” and the main title treatment for “Highlander” for Eidos.
Sweet Spot Productions is located at 6860 Lexington Ave, # 120, Hollywood, CA, 90038. The company’s phone is 323/790-1717, and the website is: www.sweetspotprods.com