John Komnenich of STORY has directed a new campaign for Kellogg’s Special K in which women reveal what “victory” in weight loss means to them. Conceived by Leo Burnett, Chicago, the six spots are unusual both for their lack of product imagery and for their use of real women, rather than models, as examples of dieting success that ordinary consumers can actually achieve.
In each spot, a woman is revealed on a stylized, white set (accented with subtle touches of the brand’s signature red), and talks about her “victory.” For one, it’s training for a marathon. For another, it’s not having to use her arms to disguise her stomach. All of the victories involve simple, personal goals. The only reference to the product comes at the end as a voiceover urges viewers to “take the Special K Challenge.”
“It’s honest, simple and clean,” notes Komnenich. “The decision not to show the product stimulates curiosity and makes you want to learn more about the Special K Challenge.”
The women who appear in the spots were initially selected through market research, with the final selections made through a casting process. “We looked for women who were genuine and who had stories to tell that other women could easily relate to,” Komnenich explains. “We wanted to show that women can be attractive without being a size two.”
Komnenich shot the women from close range to heighten the sense of intimacy. “Each of these women had a great story to tell, but one, who had trained for a marathon, touched me the most,” Komnenich recalls. “She brought in her medal and was so proud that she had achieved her goal. There’s a lot of hope in these spots.”
The spots are now airing nationally.
Client: Kellogg North America Co
Agency: Leo Burnett, Chicago, Mylene Pollock, executive creative director; Tony Wallace, executive producer; Becca Hasskamp, art director; Katy Walker, art director; Pippa White, art director.
Production: STORY, Chicago. Mark Androw and Cliff Grant, executive producers; John Komnenich, director; Rick Rosemeyer, producer; Mary Langenfeld, head of production.