SHOOT Magazine, the leading publication for commercial, branded content and entertainment production, today announced the names of the 31 directors / directing teams who made the final cut to be included in the SHOOT 2011 9th Annual New Directors Showcase. The debut screening of the Showcase Reel will take place during SHOOT’s 9th Annual New Directors Showcase Event on Tuesday, May 10th from 6:00-10:00pm at the DGA Theatre in New York City. The Screening will be followed by a special “Meet the Directors” panel and After-Party. Earlier the same Day, SHOOT’s Directors/Producers Forum takes place at the DGA Theatre from 9:30am-4:15pm.
The directors in this year’s Showcase come from a great variety of backgrounds including unaffiliated newcomers, several with ad agency pedigrees–including one who’s still on the agency side–and even a helmer who has won a “Best Actor” Academy Award®. The work entered in this year’s New Directors search conducted from January to March included documentaries, features, commercials, alternative media content, music videos and spec work. From laughter to tears, drama to horror, spots to movie excerpts, dialogue driven to visual effects fantasy–that’s just a sampling of the range of emotions, genres, mediums and styles on the 2011 SHOOT New Directors Showcase Reel.
There was a great deal of very strong work entered in the search that did not make the final reel. SHOOT Publisher, Roberta Griefer, noted that “letting directors know that they did not make the final Showcase is a difficult task but unfortunately the Showcase must be limited to approximately 30 pieces of work or the Showcase Event attendees would be sitting in the theater for days”. All directors who entered the 2011 Search were invited to keep SHOOT editors posted on their upcoming work and SHOOT looks forward to bringing many of them and their future projects to SHOOT readers’ attention in the future.
The SHOOT 2011 9th Annual New Directors Showcase Reel features the following directors:
Sammy Albis
Otto Arsenault
Greg Bell
Daniel Bird
Adrien Brody
Jeff Chan
Omri Cohen
Rik Cordero
Poppy De Villeneuve
Matt Fackrell
Christopher Fata
Jeannette Godoy
Alex Grossman
Gustav Johansson
Masashi Kawamura
Ronnie Koff
Ruben Latre
Andrew Laurich
Jacob Lincoln
Arev Manoukian
Tyler Manson
Igor Martinovic
Hayley Morris
Elizabeth Orne
Peter Rabôt
Laurent Soriano
Kirsten Tan
Doug Walker
Tynesha Williams
Mario Zozin
The May 6th issue of SHOOT will contain mini-profiles of each director and will include company affiliation and information on the work that will be screened during the debut screening of the 9th Annual New Directors Showcase Reel on Tuesday May 10th at the Directors Guild of America (DGA) Theatre in New York City. The Showcase web reel will be available to view online on May 11th.
Invited Directors in the Showcase and attendees of the SHOOT Directors/Producers Forum taking place earlier that day will be treated to the screening of the Showcase Reel, panel discussion to meet the New Directors and After-party. On May 11th, SHOOT will post the New Directors Showcase reel plus individual pages on each director with pictures, video of work, additional Q&As, and contact information, on its website at On May 13th the mini-profiles will appear on SHOOTonline and in the The SHOOT>e.dition.
New Directors Showcase Screening, Panel & After-party: 6:00pm-10:00pm
From laughter to tears, drama to horror, spots to movie excerpts, dialogue driven to visual effects fantasy–that’s just a sampling of the range of emotions, genres, mediums and styles exhibited annually by a new generation of directors at SHOOT’s New Directors Showcase Event every May. We will screen the work that made the final cut for this year’s Showcase.
Here’s the agenda:
5:30-6pm Attendees check in
-> 6:00-6:10pm SHOOT & DGA Welcome
-> 6:15-7:00pm Debut Screening of the 2011 New Directors Showcase Reel
-> 7:00-8:00pm: Meet The New Directors Panel
SHOOT Editor, Bob Goldrich, in a panel discussion with several of the new directors to learn more about them. Two Industry pros join the conversation.
-> 8:15-10:00pm The After Party
Immediately following the last panel, join us downstairs at the DGA for food, drink, mingling with industry friends & making new contacts.
Click here for COMPLIMENTARY REGISTRATION! Advertising agency, movie studio, and online entertainment and commercial creatives, producers, clients, and members of the production community are invited are invited to register attend the 9th Annual SHOOT 2011 New Directors Showcase Evening Event and After Party on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 6:00pm at the Directors Guild (DGA) Theater, 110 West 57th Street, New York City.. Please RSVP early as seating is limited – only guests on the RSVP list will be admitted. RSVP @ by Friday, May 6th. Note: If already registered to attend, please don’t register again, you will receive an email confirmation soon. If you registered for The Directors & Producers Forum day event, your registration includes the evening ND showcase event as well, so please don’t register again.
SHOOT Directors/Producers Forum and The SHOOT New Directors Showcase Event Sponsors
The DGA and production companies harvest and ONE at Optimus, and Deluxe Entertainment Services Group, are the 2011 “Lead Sponsors”. Kodak, media & entertainment law firm Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, and Company 3 are “Silver Sponsors” and the Argyle Brothers are a “Bronze Sponsor. SHOOT greatly appreciates the support of the sponsors. It is their support these events that allows SHOOT to issue hundreds of complimentary tickets to the evening event and charge a very low ticket price for the day event.
SHOOT Directors/Producers Forum plus New Directors Showcase Information & Event Registration
SHOOT is offering an all-inclusive low-cost registration fee of $50.00 (use discount code TAKE10) to attend both the May 10th SHOOT Directors/Producers Forum and 9th Annual New Directors Showcase. The combined day & evening agendas will provide an ideal environment for directors, producers, ad agency creatives & producers, studio creatives, production company entrepreneurs, and other artists & executives to capitalize on new business opportunities, share expertise, meet new project partners, initiate creative collaboration, source new possibilities for work and help define opportunities in an evolving marketplace now clearly spanning advertising and entertainment, and the merging of those two worlds.
Go here for All-Day Event Registration for the Directors & Producers Forum Daytime Program includes the all-day Forum, lunch & guaranteed seating to the evening New Directors Showcase & After Party. Event Registration Individual tickets are $50. when you use discount code: TAKE10. Groups of three or more receive an additiona 10% discount. Directors & Producers Event complete details are available at
About The New Directors Search / The New Directors Showcase Reel
Each year SHOOT conducts a worldwide search to discover the best up-and-coming directors who, based on their initial work, show promise to soon make major positive contributions to advertising and/or entertainment in its traditional and emerging forms. The search is conducted by SHOOT’s editorial staff with input from advertising agency creative directors & heads of production, as well as production company heads and established directors. This year’s search was conducted from January 1-April 4th, 2011. Over the years, there have been assorted cases of New Directors Showcase helmers going on to gain industry prominence. Consider David Gray who was in the 2005 Showcase and a year later went on to be nominated for the DGA Award as best commercial director of the year. (Gray was at Hungry Man when included in the ’05 Showcase and has since moved over to Station Film). And last year Ross Katz won the DGA Award for outstanding achievement in movies for TV/miniseries on the strength of his HBO film Taking Chance, the same film which garnered him inclusion in SHOOT’s ’08 New Directors Showcase. Also in the ’08 Showcase was Harold Einstein of Station who shortly thereafter saw three Crest toothpaste spots he directed for Saatchi NY earn a Gold Lion in the Campaign category at Cannes. And Pete Circuitt of The Ebeling Group, another ’08 Showcase inductee, went on to direct CBS-TV’s half-hour primetime Xmas special Yes, Virginia for Macy’s and JWT NY, which last year won a One Show Entertainment Awards Gold Pencil.
About SHOOT Magazine
SHOOT® Magazine is the leading publication for commercial, branded content and entertainment production. SHOOT covers news and trends including the global paradigm shift toward digital video content creation. SHOOT Magazine is edited for agency & studio creatives & producers, commercial and entertainment production/post industry executives and artisans, and brand marketer production executives. Through its “News” and “ScreenWork” sections, “Columns” and in-depth “Features”, each issue publishes timely news, relevant information and a behind-the-scenes look at the best new work and profiles/interviews with industry news makers. In addition, SHOOT reports on the latest cinematography, post & editing technology and equipment. If the work involves advertising and entertainment motion picture content that consumers view on a screen—a TV screen, Cinema screen, Computer screen, Mobile screen or Game screen, SHOOT is searching out who’s doing the most innovative work and what’s coming next. For further information please visit SHOOTonline®. Follow SHOOT on Twitter.