SHOOT Magazine, the leading publication for commercial and entertainment production, has announced partial list of Leading and Up-and-coming Directors, and Cinematographers to be featured in its Fall Directors Issue. This high-visibility issue will publish on October 18.
Providing ad agency, commercial, and entertainment industry production & postproduction decision-makers the latest industry news, valuable information on established and up-and-coming talent, the best new work and the people, companies and technology behind the work, this issue is destined to be read thoroughly and kept for future reference. The issue offers production, postproduction companies, manufacturers and rental companies, creative and business services an ideal environment in which to market to their potential clients and customers during the beginning of the important fourth quarter.
October 18th D I R E C T O R S Issue Ad Deadlines
Space Reservations:October 10
Ad Material Deadline:October 11
Final Ad Extension:October 14
:Bonus Distribution:ICG ECA Awards, NYC, 10/20 & HPA Awards, L.A., 11/7
Bonus: PDF versions of print ads appear with Live link at no charge in PDF version of issue posted on SHOOTonline for readers to view/download
Offering a snapshot in time with lasting influence and impact for the past 52 years, SHOOT Magazine’s semi-annual “Directors Issues” capture the leading directors of the time with detailed profiles, while also pinpointing new, up-and-coming directorial talent who bear watching. The Profile section and Up-And-Coming feature remain the foundation of the Directors Issue with several additional special features, including a “Sponsored Content” Marketing Package for Production Company Owners, Exec Producers and Directors.
In addition to the ScreenWork Section and Regular Columns, here’s a rundown on what’s planned for the issue
Leading Directors
SHOOT interviews leading Directors spanning features, TV, commercials and branded content for this special section. Included will be backstory and information on notable work that’s hit the recently started film festival circuit signaling the new awards season. Gain insights from them about their most recent work, their creative approaches and aspirations. Included are award winners and directors who have put their stamp on successful new media and entertainment projects, including some of the industry’s most intriguing multi-disciplinary talent.
Profiles of accomplished multi-disciplinary directors include:
>John X. Carey looks back on the lauded Doves “Real Beauty Sketches” for Ogilvy Brazil.
>Scott Cooper After an auspicious directorial debut with the lauded “Crazy Heart” (for which Jeff Bridges won the Best Actor Oscar), Cooper will soon be rolling out his second feature, “Out of the Furnace,” which is already generating attention from awards prognosticators.
>Drake Doremus, The director of “Like Crazy,” which won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance in 2011, and Intel/Toshiba’s “The Beauty Inside,” an episodic social film earning three Grand Prix honors at this year’s Cannes International Festival of Creativity.
>Nicolai Fuglsig of MJZ discusses Canon’s “Inspired,” winner of this year’s primetime commercial Emmy Award.
Additional directors to be announced
Production Company & Directors “Sponsored Content” Marketing Package
Bring high-visibility attention to your company by participating in the SHOOT October 18th Director’s Issue “Sponsored Content” Marketing Package!
Become a sponsor of a special Producers & Directors Feature right smack in the middle of the issue’s Directors Section to be positioned between the Leading Directors profiles and Up-And-Coming Directors feature where it will get loads of attention — your company will receive a Full Page consisting of a 1/2 page Q & A with Company Owner, EP or Director represented by the compa