“Green Magazine TV” produced by Worldwide Digital Communications, is a new television series featuring ecology and energy conscious companies and organizations. This series will showcase some of the newest and “greenest” technologies being utilized, and is scheduled to be aired as paid programming on the Discovery Channel.
As a follow-up to the enthusiastic response to the first episode of “Green Magazine TV,” the second episode of this informative and entertaining news magazine formatted show will air on the Discovery Channel in November. The show will highlight the partnership of the World Bank (www.worldbank.org) with oil producing countries and governmental and private oil companies throughout the world to form the Global Gas Flaring Reduction partnership (GGFR) with the aim of dramatically reducing the environmentally harmful and costly burn-off of natural gas, which is a by-product of oil production.
Dell (www.dell.com), one of the world’s largest computer manufacturers, is featured for its leadership role in the manufacture of environmentally friendly and energy efficient computers and packaging as well as its worldwide free computer recycling program.
Johnson Controls (www.jci.com) is spotlighted for their innovative approach, incorporating renewable technologies with energy efficiency strategies that provide customers with long-term, sustainable solutions. Noted for its leadership in energy efficiency and sustainability, Johnson Controls incorporates renewable energy technology as a part of a comprehensive energy efficiency solution that ensures customers are managing energy as efficiently as possible before adding renewable technology to the mix.
Colorado State University (www.csu.edu) is featured for its outstanding commitment to environmental sustainability. For the past six years, CSU has been in the top 10 in Recyclemania, the nationwide recycling challenge that more than 500 higher education institutions entered, but the university’s sustainability commitment is much more than a campus commitment to light bulbs and recycling. Sustainability is a key component in how the school goes about its land grant mission of teaching, research and service to the community. CSU’s recently established School of Global Environmental Sustainability is an umbrella organization that encompasses all environmental education and research at the university.
WDCC Executive Producer Dan Dailey said, “We had a fantastic reception for the first ‘Green Magazine TV’ show, and I think this second show will surpass the first. ‘Green Magazine TV’ is the perfect show for today’s environmentally conscious world.”
For more information on “Green Magazine TV,” visit www.greenmagazinetv.com
About Worldwide Digital Communications
Worldwide Digital Communications (WDCC) is an independent television production company that produces unique programming for niche markets. Culinary, Current Issues, Healthcare and New Technology are just some of the industries that are included in our line-up. Shows currently in production are “Green Magazine TV”, “Profiles in Innovation” and “Health on the Edge.” www.wdcc.tv