Documentary filmmaker Sean Dunne has released “American Juggalo,” a documentary that examines the subculture surrounding Detroit horrorcore rappers Insane Clown Posse and the group’s Psychopathic Records Roster. nnAs Dunne explains in his synopsis for the film: “‘American Juggalo‘ is a look at the often mocked and misunderstood subculture of Juggalos, hardcore Insane Clown Posse fans who meet once a year for four days at “The Gathering of the Juggalos.” nnDunne is no stranger to documentary shorts. His film “The Archive” received over a million combined Internet hits, was chosen as a Vimeo favorite and went on to the Sundance Film Festival. Dunne’s subsequent shorts The Bowler and Stray Dawg also live on Vimeo and are followed by the director’s numerous fans.nnnn”American Juggalo” credits include Sean Dunne, Director; Kathy Gatto, Editor; Hillary Spera, Director of Photography; Frank Turbe, Sound; and David Nyman, Composer.nnSean Dunne is represented for commercials by bi-coastal Nonfiction Unlimited, a production company working exclusively with documentary filmmakers for commercials, new media and branded content projects. Dunne’s commercial projects have included those for Nike, Microsoft and Bank of America.
Nonfiction Unlimited Loretta Jeneski (LJ) Exec Producer 310.399.9600 Contact LJ via email
The Light and BIEN Form Creative & Strategic Alliance
Production company The Light and motion design studio BIEN have forged a strategic alliance that nurtures inclusivity and sustainability throughout the life cycle of every project.
The Light Founder/CEO Becky Morrison and BIEN Co-Founder Ricardo Roberts were first introduced by a mutual client who recognized their parallel ethos. Both Morrison and Roberts are advocates for industry change, and have built successful companies that demonstrate the benefits of human-centered and sustainable production in live action and motion design, respectively.
“I admire the thoughtfulness, specificity, and artistry with which BIEN produces animation and design and their attention to representing the full spectrum of humanity,” notes Morrison. “Their work behind the scenes to foster a diverse creative community is equally impressive. It feels like the perfect moment to partner with another mission-driven company who cares so deeply about creative excellence and social change.”
“I immediately hit it off with Becky and love that she has so many ideas that are tactical, scalable and make a powerful difference,” adds Roberts. “She challenges the status quo while producing beautiful, world-class content. With this partnership, we can better serve our clients and carry our mission forward together.”
The Light is a production company guided by the principle that an emotionally healthy environment is paramount for creativity and high performance. From its inception in 2014, The Light has centered under-represented talent, with equity and sustainability as key pillars to delivering creative projects for... Read More