M&C Saatchi has premiered a three-spot campaign for the San Diego Zoo, “Welcome To Koalafornia,” to promote the Zoo’s new Australian Outback experience. Directed by Lorenzo Fonda and produced by dillygent&son, the ads welcome favorite Aussie animals to the Golden State with a slice of Southern California style.
“Lifeguard” references the iconic TV image of a red-suited lifeguard running down the beach. As she runs by in slow-motion, we see a surf-ready koala about to hit some waves. In “Low-rider” the cuddly marsupial fits right into a familiar California scene, as he cruises down a palm-lined street in a low-rider on hydraulics. And “Eucalyptus” finds the koala at an ‘organic’ pharmacy, with a stoner employee suggesting various strains of green plants as he munches on a eucalyptus.
View work here:
Brand: San Diego Zoo
Campaign: Koalafornia
Titles: “Lowrider,” “Lifeguard,” “Eucalyptus”
Length: 15 & :30 seconds
Agency: M&C Saatchi LA
Producer: Dennis Di Salvo
Executive Creative Director: James Bray
ACD/Art Director: Ron Tapia
ACD/Copywriter: Maria Smith
Group Account Director: Tom Richards
Account Supervisor: Jerad Schutt
Production Company: dillygent&son
Executive Producer: Dilly Gent
Producer: Skot Bright
Director: Lorenzo Fonda
Director of Photography: Justin Gurnari
Editorial: Bonch
Producer: Jennifer Chavarria
Editor: Anthony Cerniello
Color/FX: Bill Pollock
Music: Yessian Music
Executive Producer: Michael Yessian
Composer: Brian Yessian
Sound: Margarita Mix
Engineer: Paul Hurtubise
Executive Producer: Michele Millard
Prod: Whitney Warren