Renowned fashion and beauty director Rebecca Blake, of Rebecca Blake Films A STORY Company, has directed a new campaign for Japanese fashion retailer Uniqlo launching its innovative UV Cut collection. Conceived by Dentsu, Tokyo, the spot features Japanese model and actress Kiko Mizuhara (Norwegian Wood) who is shown wearing the young, fashionable clothing, which filters UV rays, in a stylized contemporary home overlooking a pristine ocean under a sunny sky.
The spot was shot on 35mm film and is notable for Blake’s innovative use of lighting and graphic design. Interior sequences employ a striking, angular pattern of light and shadow offering a subtle contrast to the geometry of the room. The effect was produced with a specially-designed lighting rig by cinematographer Deke Donelian.
Blake designed the set and choreographed Mizuhara’s dreamlike motion as she glides from the interior to an elegant patio. “The commercial makes an aesthetic lifestyle statement.” Blake observes. “It relates to the philosophy of the company, which is very environmentally aware.”
Blake supervised the post work, which was completed at the newly-opened New York visual effects studio Light of Day, collaborating with Flame artist Colin Stackpole. Visual effects treatments were applied to enhance the idealized look of the environment. Visually, the spot is lush with the recurring theme of light reinforcing in an understated way the brand’s message about the dangers of UV rays. “The campaign design and look is fresh and engaging, which reflects a modern attitude with a simple paired-down aesthetic” says Blake.
Rebecca Blake Films, A STORY Company, is represented is represented on the East Coast by Daria Zeliger (917) 373-4107; in the Midwest by Dawn Ratcliffe (312) 491-9194, in the Southeast by Sarah Lange, (646) 283-0699; in the Southwest by Gossip!, (214) 288-2813 and on the West Coast by Kelley Class, (310) 823-9808.
Title: UV Cut
Client: Uniqlo
Agency: Dentsu, Tokyo.
Production: Rebecca Blake Films, A STORY Company, New York. (800) 642-3173. Rebecca Blake, director; Deke Donelian, director of photography; Mark Androw and Cliff Grant, executive producers.
Post: Light of Day, New York. Colin Stackpole, creative director/Flame artist; Amy Taylor, producer.
Music: Big Foote, NY. Exec Producer, Paul Seymour.