Radiant Images, a leading L.A.-based rental house and digital cinema innovator, will unveil an updated Novo action camera that shoots uncompressed RAW – called the Novo 2K – in Exhibition Booth S309 at the Cine Gear Expo.
Radiant Images (www.radiantimages.com) also will showcase its original palm-sized Novo action camera and the new ARRI Alexa XT, release a new iPhone and iPad app to search and compare cameras, and share an array of custom 2D and 3D rigs and gear at Cine Gear 2013 at The Studios at Paramount in Hollywood. The Radiant Images booth, located in Stage 31, will be staffed from 2-9 p.m. on Fri., May 31 and from 10-5 p.m. on Sat., June 1.
The Cine Gear Expo, an annual four-day conference, is the premier film, video and digital media expo for the entertainment industry, attracting the most dedicated specialists from every major department of the entertainment production and post production world.
Radiant Images is focused on simplicity and ease of use in its digital cinema creations, which are attracting attention from a loyal and growing number of cinematographers, camera operators and producers. Co-founder Michael Mansouri and his team are known to stretch the boundaries of digital cinema with creative, user-friendly solutions – specializing in designing and building custom 2D and 3D rigs as well as modifying cameras and gear.
“We feel like we’re moving in the opposite direction of where everybody else is going with digital cinema,” Mansouri said. “At Radiant Images, we’re lasered in on simplicity in design and operation, ease of use, small form factor, versatility. It’s a new language of cinema and we are helping artists express themselves and achieve their vision with these new, uncomplicated tools.”
The Novo digital cinema camera – the entertainment industry’s newest small form factor action camera – is a prime example.
Co-created by View Factor Studios and Radiant Images, the lens-friendly Novo (www.novocamera.com) is viewed as an ideal solution for professional filmmakers enamored with the capabilities of the GoPro Hero3 but stymied by cinematic limitations.
Key features of the Novo include a C-mount lens system plus a PL mount adapter, back focus adjustment, and exposure control capabilities that open up a wide-range of artistic possibilities for cinematographers and camera operators. The auto exposure function standard with the GoPro can be disabled on the Novo, permitting cinematographers to use the lens to manually adjust the aperture. The Novo achieves this while retaining all the key functionality, versatility and accessories of the GoPro Hero 3.
The tiny Novo, released in February, won a coveted MARIO Award for innovation at NAB 2013. The camera is available for rental only at Radiant Images in the U.S. and new European rental partner P+S Technik,
This weekend at Cine Gear, Radiant Images will unveil an updated version called the Novo 2K. By shooting 2K uncompressed RAW, the <a href="http://www.nov