Online video and commercial advertising shop Supercool Creative has launched a disturbingly funny new ad campaign and website for, an employee assessment and business management site. The seven videos feature offbeat office workers in some seriously twisted storylines.
“Nothing says ‘dysfunctional workplace’ like guns, farting and employees snapping each others necks,” according to Supercool’s creative director David Murdico. “We aren’t trying to be deliberately controversial, just entertaining. Instead of boring the viewer with a flat message, we opted to let them laugh first and inject our message at the end – kind of like paying the bill after a nice dinner – a dinner you might remember.”
Going with the catchy and grammatically-correct tagline "Know Whom You’re
Hiring," the short-format spots are a unique commercial spot/webisode hybrid and each involves “Bob,” the main character and Senior Manager at Star Spangled Undergarment. Unfortunately, Bob meets with absolute disaster every time he tries to fire an employee. The spots hammer home the point that if you hire the right people in the first place, by using pre-employment assessments, you won’t have to go through the pain of firing them.
The videos have been launched on their own channels across the major video sharing sites including YouTube (, on several niche sites and on is the pilot project of newly-branded Supercool Creative, the creative division of online video and commercial production company SpotZero/. Supercool Creative developed the online video campaign and website. The spots were produced by SpotZero/ Los Angeles, directed by David Murdico and shot by director of photography Ulf Soderqvist.
About Supercool Creative
Supercool Creative was launched in early 2008 to provide clients with comprehensive, video-driven marketing and publicity campaigns including online commercials, webisodes, branded entertainment, advertainment, viral videos, and web design. Supercool Creative employs an untraditionally effective mix of copywriters, comedy writers and consultants (yup, the business kind) to design the most entertaining, unexpected and effective approach to on-line marketing. The company also provides video optimization and tracking to assure each client reaches its target demographic globally.
Adhering to the fundamental principal that by hiring talent best suited to a job, an employer can minimize the financial and emotional pain of letting talent go, re-hiring and re-training, Hatefiring also delivers assessments designed to recruit and select qualified talent, benchmark jobs to create clear job profiles, develop talent, increase talent retention, reduce employee turnover costs, create effective communication and increased understanding and build an efficient productive work environments. Detailed reports reveal assessments’ results in way so they can be used to recruit and select qualified talent, benchmark the job to create a clear job profile, develop talent, increase talent retention, reduce employee turnover costs, create effective communication and increased understanding and Build an efficient and productive work environment‘s validated, research-based assessments are available in 26 languages, are conveniently completed online and produce clear, colorful, understandable and effective reports that are available instantly through the Internet Delivery Service (IDS)™.
About SpotZero/
SpotZero/ is a commercial and online video production company based in Los Angeles, California specializing in live-action, green screen, viral video, interactive video, webisodic, advertainment and commercial content.