New York Festivals International Advertising Awards has announced additional appointments to the 2012 Executive Jury. This elite panel of prominent worldwide chief creative officers will convene in New York April 28th through May 1st. They will select the World’s Best Advertising™ across all mediums from the Grand Jury shortlist. The entries selected to earn awards will be announced at the New York Show on May 3rd.
Additional Executive Jury Members include:
-> Remi Babinet, Global Chief Creative Officer, BETC Euro RSCG Worldwide
-> Judy John, Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Toronto, Canada
-> Nick Law, EVP, Chief Creative Officer, R/GA, USA
-> David Lubars, Global Chief Creative Officer, BBDO
-> Marcus Rebeschini, Regional Chief Creative Officer/Asia, Y&R Asia Pacific
-> Amir Kassaei, Worldwide Chief Creative Officer, DDB Worldwide
-> Alex Schill, Global Chief Creative Officer & Partner, Serviceplan Group
-> Mark Tutssel, Global Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett Worldwide
“We’re incredibly proud and honored to offer our entrants an Executive Jury of this caliber,” said Michael O’Rourke, President, New York Festivals. “Each and every one is widely regarded as an expert in the industry. With a group like this evaluating entries across all mediums, it’s certain any agency that wins is truly deserving. And since the Executive Jury will only evaluate the shortlist, we’ve closed the door on jury fatigue and opened up the floor for discussion and debate of the work itself—something both the jury and the entrants can appreciate, and deserve.”
Last year Donald Gunn, founder of the The Gunn Report, moderated the first live NYF Executive Jury. Mr. Gunn will reprise his role as moderator, and will be joined by Michael Conrad, President of the Berlin School of Creative Leadership. Together, these highly respected industry leaders will guide the 2012 Executive Jury to select the World’s Best Advertising™.
The 2-day New York Festivals International Advertising Awards New York Show begins May 2nd, and will feature creative panel discussions, keynote speakers, networking events, the 2012 Executive Jury Press Conference, exhibits, and the May 3rd NYF International Advertising Awards ceremony. All New York Show events and the 2012 awards gala will take place at the landmark New York Public Library Stephen A. Schwarzman Building located at Fifth Avenue and Forty-Second Street.
New York Festivals International Advertising Awards receives entries from 70 countries, recognizing work in all media in the following competitions: Art/Technique + Technology, Avant-Garde, Collateral, Commercials, Design, Interactive, Hispanic USA Advertising, Integrated Mixed Media, Marketing Effectiveness, New Commercial Director of the Year, Outdoor/Out of Home, Print, Public Relations/Brand Communications, Public Service Announcements, and Student.
To view the 2012 Executive Jury and Grand Jury go to this webpage here. Additional Executive Jury appointments will be announced soon.
The NYF International Advertising Awards Final Deadline is January 27th, 2012. For more information, or to enter go here.
All winning entries in the New York Festivals International Advertising Awards competition will be featured at:
About International Awards Group
Founded in 1957, IAG organizes advertising and programming competitions for the following brands: AME Awards for Advertising Marketing Effectiveness; Midas Awards for Financial Services Communications; The Global Awards for Healthcare Communications; NYF Advertising Awards; NYF Television & Film Awards; and NYF Radio Programs & Promotions. Entries to each of the competitions are judged around the world by panels of peers in their respective industries. For more information, go to