<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE (www.assimilateinc.com., the leading provider of powerful post-production tools for digital workflows, has shipped the 6.1 version of its renowned <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab™ digital dailies tool. This new <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH version significantly widens <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab’s price-performance dominance among digital dailies tools. Wicked-fast, multi-threaded output rendering, state-of-the-art metadata handling achieve leaps in productivity never seen before in a digital dailies tool. These productivity gains, coupled with new performance and creative options for shooting with RED and high dynamic range, make Lab 6.1 the best tool on the market for artists working in dailies pipelines- at any price. In addition, version 6.1 provides support for the highly anticipated Element control surface from Tangent.
The New features of <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab 6.1 include:
Wicked-fast, background output rendering – <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab 6.1 renders up to 52 FPS- a full 60 percent faster than its closest competitor. Meanwhile, artists no longer have to wait for a render to finish before they continue working. Lab 6.1 can load and process their next shot while Lab renders any number of nodes seamlessly in the background. This feature alone would make Lab the most productive tool on the market for processing production dailies.
Advanced metadata and timecode support – The addition of powerful new metadata and timecode options significantly streamline production dailies workflows. Lab 6.1 can organize media by any metadata field, and its incredibly powerful timecode management capabilities make DSLR and multi-camera workflows far faster and more efficient.
• Sync timecode from multiple cameras (including stereo) with a unique “Match Timecode” function. Stack cameras into a single slot, then automatically sync the timecode of all cameras to one of them.
• Generate dailies by automatically naming clips based on any metadata field, including camroll, scene and take.
• Create flash burns either at the top and tail of a clip, or throughout its duration.
• Capture scene and take metadata automatically from broadcast wave audio files.
• Automatically generate new timecode for DSLR cameras such as the Phantom, Cannon 5D/7D and GoPro that don’t support it. Easily increment the timecode with each slot and even skip by user-defined intervals.
• Populate Avid AAF files with extended metadata, avoiding the double pass to access that ALE files required. This effectively removes the need for separate ALEs.
“<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab provides the highest level of QC, and the sort of feedback and image assessment capabilities that DP’s expect”, said Graham Austin, D.I.T and Creative & Color Management specialist based in Cape Town South Africa. “This new release provides unparalleled data management and metadata editing tools, and the widest range of camera support formats I could wish for. Any media from any camera like the Phantom/EOS5D/GoPRO/CODEX can have REEL IDs propagated from the camera files. This means my clients can now receive their editorial & dailies files graded and embedded with the necessary metadata. They then return an EDL, XML or AAF and we produce only the required images for the conform from the original camera files, saving hours of master file creation and terabytes of storage. This equates to dramatic cost savings for our clients.”
Enhanced support for RED workflows – The first DI vendor to launch support for the new RED SDK 4.2, <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE again extends their leadership position in RED workflows, delivering dramatic performance improvements and additional creative options for handling HDRx media.
• Performance enhancements up to 6x working with RED media. Optimized image processing based on output project resolution allow users who shoot at 5K, but require delivery at lower resolutions to choose to have all clips scaled to the project resolution or adjust the target resolution per shot. If the system has a Red Rocket decoder card all rescaling is done on the card. But even without a RED Rocket card, <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH 6.1 allows artists to set the resolution and filter to scale to the final target resolution using software decoding.
• New creative options for working with HDRx media. Maximize the power and flexibility of shooting with high dynamic range via the new “Simple Blend” and “Magic Motion” features. The Magic Motion post-processing feature allows artists to customize motion blur characteristics to HDRx clips, while the Simple Blend option creates an automatic blending of the X and A tracks of an HDRx image. Lab 6.1 now allows artists to blend HDRx media on-set without requiring scaffolds.
“<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE is once again putting their resources into supporting the latest software integration for EPIC, Scarlet and RED ONE files “, said Ted Schilowitz of RED. “<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH and <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab have been outstanding tools for RED users from the beginning. Not only because they’re consistently among the first out of the gate to support new technologies, but because <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH and <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab have been built for RED and digital media from the ground up. So, everything is highly integrated and works solidly, from ingest of the native REDCODE RAW files all the way through to mastering.”
Native support for the upcoming Tangent Element Control Surface – <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab 6.1 follows in the tradition of offering fast, intuitive access to the entire range of controls via a broad spectrum of control panels- from no panel at all, to the new Tangent Element. Highlighted for it’s elegant and compact, yet powerful design, the Element is one of the most anticipated control panels in years, and Lab 6.1 is already optimized for it out-of-the box. In addition, the Element will be available on the <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE Store as soon as it ships (expected in January, 2012).
<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab is the industry’s first digital lab tool designed to meet the requirements of production and VFX dailies pipelines.
<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH and <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab deliver the industry’s most comprehensive toolset for data-centric digital cinema and broadcast productions on 2D and 3D stereo projects, at up to 5K resolutions and beyond. Both 6.1 versions of the software, released simultaneously on Mac OS® X and Windows 7, feature SDI output via AJA Kona 3G cards, improved on-set dailies and RED workflow support, enhanced conform and 3D capabilities, and advanced XML and HTML interoperability.
Pricing & Availability:
<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab 6.1 is available immediately and is a free upgrade for users who are currently on maintenance. New licenses are available for purchase either via <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE‘s worldwide network of resellers, or online via the <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE Store (https://store.assimilateinc.com/). <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab licenses are only $4,995, and is the same price for either MacOS® X or Windows 7.
About <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE
<a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE is the premier provider of digital workflow and post-production tools, that have proven essential to the successful creation of thousands of studio and independent features, television shows, music videos and corporate video productions. The company’s products, running on Windows and Mac OS® X, are the heartbeat of today’s most demanding digital post-production and dailies workflows for 2D and stereo 3D productions. They equip Directors, DPs and Artists with the state-of-the-art, intuitive, data-centric solutions they need to meet the continual challenges of increased creativity and productivity amid ever-shrinking budgets. <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE‘s <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH® data-centric DI system, is the most comprehensive, end-to-end cinema and broadcast imaging tool for playback, conform, editing, color grading, compositing and finishing of RED and other digital workflows. <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.>SCRATCH Lab™ delivers a comprehensive toolset for the review, versioning, color correction, conform and output of on-set or VFX dailies. <a href="www.assimilateinc.com.“>ASSIMILATE a privately held company, with headquarters in Santa Clara, California, USA, offices in London, UK, Groningen, NL and Beijing City, CN and markets its products worldwide via a global reseller network. To learn more please visit www.assimilateinc.com.