In today’s tech-driven world there is a vast amount of information available to consumers, yet personal finance remains an overwhelming and complicated topic. Recognizing this, NerdWallet, a personal finance resource that helps consumers find the best credit card offers, insurance and other financial products, just launched its first-ever national campaign showcasing its intuitive, data-driven options. Created by Blackbelt and Anonymous Content Director Casey Storm, the humor-driven digital and broadcast campaign is titled “Nothing Beats Knowing."
Research shows people do not understand how to approach complex personal finance topics, such as credit card selection. There is a lot of misinformation, people don’t understand which options are best, the process is daunting, the list goes on and on, and, ultimately, it hurts consumers. This is the problem Blackbelt and NerdWallet set out to solve by helping consumers make better credit card decisions.
Survey data supports the notion that there is a knowledge gap when it comes to credit card selection. To start, Americans don’t even understand the basics:
- Most Americans don’t know the effect that many common actions have on their credit scores.
- Only 9% know that most consumers have more than three different credit scores.
- More than half (55%) don’t know when they start being charged interest on credit card purchases.
This misunderstanding often leads consumers to select the wrong credit card, which can cost them dearly. When NerdWallet talked to real people they found that most knew that there could be a better credit card for them, but the process of doing the research was too cumbersome.
"There are so many complex financial decisions people face every day, and often times they don't have the information they need to make the best decision for their unique situation," said Stephanie Wei, NerdWallet VP of Marketing. "This is certainly the case when it comes to choosing a credit card. We've spoken with hundreds of people who are unsure whether they've truly selected the best card for them, or if there is something else that is better.
Removing the guesswork to really know if you've made the best decision is empowering, and this is the lifeblood of our 'Nothing Beats Knowing' creative strategy. Everyone should feel empowered when it comes to financial decision making.”
Grant McDougall, Blackbelt CEO, adds, "Blackbelt's core focus is to drive powerful marketing experiences and solutions by harnessing the breadth of data available today, making this campaign with data-driven NerdWallet the perfect match. By leveraging the robust data and research findings, we were able to drive strategy into action and produce a truly beautiful spot that engages consumers while also empowering them to make informed financial decisions with NerdWallet's tools."
View “Nothing Beats Knowing” here.