On Valentine’s Day charlieuniformtango launched the first season of “Comic Strip” on a dedicated YouTube channel. “Comic Strip” is a special project from charlieuniformtango directors Jeremy Bartel and Lan Freeman, and executive producers Jeff Elmore and Lola Lott.
The concept is simple: there is freedom in restriction. Like standard newspaper comics which are restricted to three panels to tell a story, “Comic Strip” is restricted to just three shots. The three-shot mandate forces brevity and clarity within the story being told. But that’s where the restrictions end. When it comes to subject matter, characters, or situations there’s no place “Comic Strip” won’t go.
The “Comic Strips” feature the talents of the charlieuniformtango team including original music by Nick Patronella and Chris Walker. You can watch Season One on the “Comic Strip” YouTube channel. Feel free to binge!
Complete “Comic Strips” series on YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-dWz5gdmMPADEuNt-FdxA
ScreenWork Credits
CREATIVE: Jeremy Bartel, Lan Freeman, Jeff Elmore | PRODUCTION CO: charlieuniformtango | Directors: Jeremy Bartel, Lan Freeman | Director of Photography: Jason Burks | Executive Producer: Lola Lott | POST PRODUCTION: charlieuniformtango | Editor: Alex Campos | Color & Finish: Artie Pena | Mix: Russell Smith & Nick Patronella
About charlieuniformtango
Founded in 1995 by Lola Lott, principal/CEO, and Jack Waldrip, senior editor, the company has become an industry leader. charlieuniformtango serves as a single source production solution. The company directs, produces, shoots, edits, scores, mixes, animates, designs, and provides color services, efx, and finishing for commercials, short films, and digital content for clients worldwide. www.charlieuniformtango.com