Mobius Awards, an international competition for advertising, has extended its competition deadline from October 1 to October 31. Also, the competition does not charge late fees.
“We know some agencies are working with smaller staffs, which means everyone is pressed for time,” said Kristen Gluckman, Mobius Awards executive director. “Eliminating late fees is the least we can do for time-strapped, potential entrants.”
This year, Mobius Awards also added a new Photography segment. Photographers are invited to enter Original Commissioned Work – In Use or Not in Use; Personal Work (Subsequently used in Advertising); Conceptual Photography – In Use, and Advertising Speculative Work.
In addition to photography, entries are accepted in Brochure/Book, Cinema/In-flight, Direct, Mixed Media/Integrated Campaign, New Media, Online, Outdoor, Package Design and Redesign, Point-of-Purchase, Print, Radio and Television and Student. This year, a Best of Show Student Award also has been added, and the recipient will receive a gift of Adobe Suite software.
Mobius regularly receives entries from more than 25 countries. Judging is done internationally, and this year will be done online through Beam.TV, except for Brochure and Book and Packaging Design and Redesign.
Mobius Awards has scheduled a day-long judging event in El Segundo, Calif., for Package Design and Redesign and Book and Brochure entries. The event is Dec. 8 at Embassy Suites.
“It is impossible to adequately access packaging and books without wanting to see them up close and personal and even touch them,” said Gluckman. “Plus, it is so much fun to get together in a group and see what’s new.”
The event will run from 8:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. so that judges and the general public can offer votes on the entries.
Anyone interested in becoming an official judge for the day should get in touch with Gluckman.