This summer, Mirror Films has co-hosted several Los Angeles screenings for X-Dance at the Red Bull Screening Room in Santa Monica. The first event in late June featured a Q&A with Ryan Gibb, the filmmaker of "Life Cycles" — winner of “Best Picture,” “Best Director” and “Best Cinematography” at the 2011 X-Dance Action Sports Film Festival. The visually stunning film documents the history of the mountain bike and its culture. Last night’s event featured a Q&A with Director and Red Bull Athlete Steve Fisher about his film, “Halo Effect,” winner of “Best Adventure Film” at X-Dance, which follows three of the world’s best kayakers on a two-month journey inside the Arctic Circle. Co-hosting the screenings were Mirror Films‘ Owner/EP Eric (“EB”) Barrrett, who is also the Managing Director of X-Dance.
In its 11th year, X-Dance is the premiere action sports film festival in the country. The mission of X-Dance is to nurture the growth of action sports filmmaking and to celebrate achievement on both sides of the camera — filmmakers and athletes alike. With roots in both the core industry as well as the mainstream, X-Dance serves as a focal point for the enormous audience living at the intersection of music, film and action sports cultures.
Mirror Films is a creative collective of award-winning film directors, each bringing a unique sensibility to the screen. The distinctive and memorable work that Mirror Films produces is reflected in repeated commercial campaigns for top brands such as Anheuser Busch, Dove, Toyota, Target and Sony. Mirror Films‘ directors are well versed in the integrated media landscape, with a portfolio of work that extends into digital entertainment and new media. Mirror is a streamlined and efficient production company — small enough to brainstorm one-on-one, yet large enough to tap global resources.