Manhattan Edit Workshop, New York’s top training center for film and video editing, has re-launched its website. Mewshop founder Josh Apter, comments “We’re proud of our original site which helped us reach our current level. Over the past three years, our offerings, events and community have expanded to a point that demanded a different online presence. We needed a site to better illustrate how vibrant the company has become, and enable us to more swiftly interact with our community of students, facilities, artists and experts.” Photos, videos, news, and events are all a part of the site in addition to updated courses and information.
Manhattan Edit Workshop offers a full range of courses, from it’s signature Six Week Intensive course in the art & technique of editing , to one-week, weekend, custom and corporate classes in Avid, Final Cut Pro and the entire Final Cut Studio Package.
Mewshop’s Artist In Residence Program consistently attracts top editors as guest lecturers. These editors speak about their careers and their craft to students in the Six Week Intensive, and lead an intimate Q&A at the Motion Picture Editors Guild. Past AiR participants have included Oscar and Emmy winning editors including Carol Littleton, ACE, John Gilroy, ACE, Bill Pankow, ACE, and your Christopher Tellefsen, ACE.
Apter consistently receives inquiries from the top post-facilities seeking new talent. In response, MEWShop launched an employment assistance program called Manhattan Edit WorkForce. Students cut their demo reels as part of the Six Week Intensive program, and upon graduation those reels are uploaded and presented to over fifteen of the top post-facilities in NYC. Manhattan Edit WorkForce connects graduates and employers – taking the guesswork out of hiring and helping put graduates in the workplace.
Manhattan Edit Worskshop is also a producer of the upcoming Edit Fest NY, the first event of its kind on the east coast. Coming to Manhattan on June 12th & 13th 2009, Edit Fest NY is an unique educational and networking event that brings the most sought after editors straight from the cutting room directly to the audience. Edit Fest NY will deliver vital insight into the role and process of the editor as a critical part of any creative team.