Set against the backdrop of Katrina ravaged New Orleans, Alexandrea Weis’s romantic thriller, “Recovery” (ISBN 453875700), has Nicci Beauvoir struggling to pick up the pieces of her heart and track down a killer two years after the unsolved murder of her lover, the famed painter David Alexander.
Nicci is ready to do anything to figure out who murdered David and why. With the help of David’s former boss, she meets Dallas August, a highly skilled spy known for his ruthless ways. August and Nicci agree to pose as a couple to help tempt a jealous killer out of hiding.
As August escorts her around the rebuilding Big Easy, Nicci begins to wonder whether the chemistry between the two is genuine. But when someone tries to kill August, she realizes things may be spinning out of control. Desperate to end their ordeal, the pair decide to lure the killer out of the city for a final showdown. It’s a decision that could cost Nicci everything.
“I place Nicci’s road to recovery in the post-Katrina New Orleans because I wanted the city’s struggles, and eventual resurrection, to mirror the experiences of the main character,” Weis says.
Romantic suspense readers and fans of the first title, “To My Sense,” in the Nicci Beauvoir series will appreciate the suspense and emotional edge Weis brings to the table in “Recovery.”
“Recovery” is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author:
Alexandrea Weis’ popular first novel, “To My Senses,” received rave reviews and garnered awards for both commercial fiction and romance writing. Ms. Weis has written and sold several screenplays, and her latest screenplay, "Blood Will Tell", is currently in pre-production with Buyer Group International/Griffin Productions.