Leftchannel’s animated short “Fred” has been selected to screen at the prestigious Midwest Independent Film Festival this week. Featuring the artistic capabilities of leftchannel’s creative team, including the mastery of 3D character animation, “Fred” continues its successful journey on the international film festival circuit this fall.
The Midwest Independent Film Festival line-up, including “Fred”’s Chicago premiere: http://www.midwestfilm.com/pages/2016_ad_shorts__here_s_the_lineup_/802.php
Since its debut earlier this year, “Fred” has screened at the Animaze International Film Festival in Montreal, the Ojai Film Festival, the Route 66 Film Festival (garnering the “Best Animation” award), the Films Short, the Great Lakes International Film Festival, and Fantoche in Baden, Switzerland.
On Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/160158978 Source: Production, Animation & Motion Design Studio: leftchannel
Additionally, leftchannel Creative Director/Founder Alberto Scirocco is part of the “Producers’ Panel” at the Midwest Independent Film Festival, as well as participating in AICP/Chicago this week.
About leftchannel
Founded in 2003 and headed by Creative Director Alberto Scirocco, leftchannel is a motion design studio comprised of multidisciplinary graphic design artists, specializing in motion graphics. Scirocco began his career as a celebrated artist in design and art in Italy before moving to the U.S., where he helped establish the leftchannel studio in Columbus, Ohio. Scirocco’s passion for fine art is a driving force behind the firm’s decisively individualistic and pioneering capabilities. He has been a high-profile speaker recently at PromaxBDA and at the motion Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Leftchannel’s innovative talent has been applied to a multitude of projects including film, advertising, broadcast graphics, architecture, retail planning, digital installation, projection mapping, and environmental design.
To learn more about leftchannel, go to their web site: www.leftchannel.com or follow them on social media:
- https://www.facebook.com/leftchannel.motiondesign
- https://www.behance.net/leftchannel
- https://twitter.com/leftchnl