Kodak will sponsor a series of panel discussions at the 2010 Cine Gear Expo here on the Paramount Pictures Studios lot on June 4 and 5. Coinciding with a worldwide launch, Kodak will introduce two new VISION3 films and discuss advances in film technology. Another highlight includes a discussion with three-time OscarĀ® nominee Wally Pfister, ASC on the production of the much-anticipated Warner Bros. summer release “Inception.” Pfister and director Christopher Nolan choose both 35 and 65 mm film formats to create a unique visual experience. Additional seminar topics range from 3-D film production to the comparisons of film and digital production and archiving today’s films for tomorrow’s audiences. The panels are designed to provide an open forum, where cinematographers and other filmmakers can share their experiences and discuss the creative process and the future of the art form.
All of the seminars are free with admission to Cine Gear Expo. Advanced registration for the Expo can be done at no charge online at www.cinegearexpo.com until May 28, and then it will cost $20. Kodak will also be conducting Stop By Shoot Film workshops, designed for hands-on experience with 35 mm film and cameras. Participants will get the opportunity to talk with a cinematographer, learn how to use a 35 mm camera with film, and then shoot their own scene – all in just two hours. Several weeks later, the participants will receive a DVD of their footage for reference.
Again, there is no fee, but space is limited. To sign-up for Stop By Shoot Film, go to www.kodak.com/go/sbsf. Participants must also be registered for Cine Gear. Following is a schedule and descriptions of the Kodak-sponsored events at Cine Gear Expo:
Friday, June 4, 2010
KODAK Stop By Shoot Film
5 – 7 p.m. beginning at the Sherry Lansing Theater
Kodak Introduces New VISION3 Films – Worldwide Launch!
5:45 – 6:45 p.m. at The Sherry Lansing Theater
Kodak continues to raise the bar on the possibilities for creative storytelling through their commitment to advancing film technology. Come and learn about the latest tools and what they can do for your toolbox.
The 3-D Film Advantage
7 – 8 p.m. at The Sherry Lansing Theater
The renaissance in 3-D filmmaking is another way to take advantage of the magic medium of film. Filmmakers all over the world are shooting 3-D projects on the gold standard of motion imaging. Join John Leonetti, ASC in a discussion about his experiences shooting the upcoming summer release Piranha 3-D with a single camera in 35 mm anamorphic film format. Leonetti will share insights about why they produced Piranha 3-D with a single film stock and what lessons were learned.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Summer Movie Preview-Inception
10:15-11:30 a.m. at The Sherry Lansing Theater
Wally Pfister, ASC previews the making of Inception, his sixth collaborationwith director Christopher Nolan. They travelled to six countries, and captured images with a blend of 35 mm film in anamorphic format and 65 mm film. Pfister shot aerial scenes in VistaVision format, and they used a Photo-Sonics 65 mm camera to shoot dream sequences at 1,000 frames per second. Inception will also be released in IMAX format and was converted at DKP 70MM Inc.
KODAK Stop By Shoot Film
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. beginning at the Sherry Lansing Theater
Kodak Introduces New VISION3 Films
11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. at The Sherry Lansing Theater
KODAK Stop By Shoot Film
1:30 – 3:30 p.m. beginning at the Sherry Lansing Theater
The Truth About Film and Digital Production
2:45 – 3:45 p.m. at The Sherry Lansing Theater
Some of the world’s most talented cinematographers will discuss why they prefer shooting motion pictures, television programs, documentaries and commercials on film. They will also discuss the pros and cons of film and digital image capture, separate myths from facts, and share ideas on how to deal with producers and directors who are being targeted by marketing hype. Panelists are expected to include John Bailey, ASC, Daniel Pearl, ASC, James Chressanthis, ASC, Rodney Taylor, ASC.
Archiving Films as a Legacy for the Future
4 – 5p.m. at The Sherry Lansing Theater
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences published The Digital Dilemma report at the end of 2007. The report was based on interviews with some 90 archivists, asset protection managers, and decision makers at the Hollywood studios. It compared the costs, methods and effectiveness of archiving film and digital media. The main focus was on films that are owned by the major studios.
A follow-up report focusing on independent filmmakers, documentarians, and public archives, and will be released by the Academy in June. Preservationist Milt Shefter, who co-authored The Digital Dilemma report and conducted interviews and surveys for the follow-up report, will share insights and answer questions about what needs to be done to assure that today’s independent features and documentaries are preserved for future audiences.
All seminar participants are subject to availability.
For more information about Kodak, visit www.kodak.com/go/motion, or follow Kodak on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/KodakMotionPictureFilm
For more details and directions to Cine Gear Expo, visit www.cinegearexpo.com.