Lightstir Studios and StoneKap Productions, Ltd. introduced the P2Forge Suite, an integrated suite of applications designed to build and improve modern video production and post-production workflows. Developed as an in-house production toolset, its extensive and practical capabilities help organize, develop and execute workflow procedures along the entire production and post production pipeline. The P2Forge Suite offers batch media processing, offloading and management, a customizable instant viewer, a universal encoder, and dozens of other tools.
As with new tapeless digital technologies emerging fast in the production arena, many professionals find that adapting their workflow can often be a radical experience. They are finding that managing sensitive raw material can be a difficult and generally risky process. P2Forge comes not only to assist and create secure and clear workflows, but to finally disclose the true potential and power of new production standards, at the comfort of an integrated yet accessible application.
P2Forge easily brings ground-breaking P2 DVCPROHD and AVC-Intra technology to anyone, anywhere – be it animators, audio designers, or even clients. Producers obtain instant playback and analysis control over the footage they just shot and can bypass playback handicaps when using 35mm adapters or portrait framing. The unattended, bomb-proof footage ingest makes it a more relaxed experience for small crews to handle the P2 format. Editors can efficiently select and log useful footage only, saving time and considerable resources. The user base extends to production assistants, camera operators, special effects artists, publishers and anyone involved in production and media management.
The suite is packed with everything that’s needed from Set to Post:
P2FORGE PLAYER – a versatile, universal viewer that literally makes P2 footage a double-click-to-play experience. The included Reel Manager can search and import an entire storage drive in just one step. The Selection List ads batch processing capabilities to media management, conversion and reports. The Location Manager helps create and organize projects and assets.
P2FORGE INGEST – an advanced tool for offloading P2 cards or entire P2 storage drives. It features batch offloading, different levels of file verification [up to CRC32], space management, process logging, and more.
P2FORGE ENCODER – a flexible batch encoder that makes it easy to get digital footage (P2 or otherwise) wherever you want – Post Production, DVDs, the Web. With its DVCPRO HD AVI lossless conversion and image sequence support, it is by far the most affordable way to get the P2 MXF format into almost any application.
60+ ADD-ONS – includes audio and video filters, special effects and HD codecs. The modular architecture of P2Forge Suite allows users to easily extend and customize its present and future capabilities to suit their needs and budgets.
P2Forge Suite was designed around Panasonic’s P2 technology and may offer the most intimate support to date. At the same time, thanks to its flexible structure, most of its capabilities apply to many other video and audio formats, making it the tool of choice for assisting any production environment.
Pricing and Availability
P2Forge Suite is available as a 30 day trial Windows application and can be purchased for a promotional price of $45 per seat plus Volume Licensing options. Additional information on the P2Forge Suite, as well as a free evaluation copy is available from
Established in 2004 as a sole proprietorship, Lightstir Studios develops advanced imaging solutions and content, social analysis and practical software products. In 2005 it pioneered techniques and tools for creating and managing true HDRI sequence animations.
StoneKap Productions, Ltd. is a production company located in Canton, Ohio specializing in “Cinema Corporate”, TV commercials, short and feature films. Learn more at