Hollywood Center Studios hosts MTV’s hit comedy series Ridiculousness, which recently completed shooting its fifth and sixth seasons. The show, in which host Rob Drydek presents the most hysterical and absurd videos found on the internet, is shot multi-camera-style on Stage Nine at Hollywood Center Studios before a live audience.
Season six, which is airing now, features an incredible line-up of special guests, including rapper phenom Future, R&B singer/songwriter Ne-Yo and internet video super-team Smosh, and introduces new categories like “Power Kiss”, “Everyday Demons”, "Human Glitches” and “Magnet Feet.”
Hollywood Center Studios supplies the show with a stage, an HD control room, HD camera systems, lighting, make-up and costume rooms, a green room, parking and other facilities. Production for seasons five and six was completed in three two-week sessions with two episodes produced in each shoot day. “We have a demanding and unusual production schedule,” says Supervising Producer Josh Green. “We shoot ten episodes in two weeks. It could be stressful, but Hollywood Center Studios’ one-stop-shopping makes it easy. When we come in, everything is there.”
These shoots can be unpredictable since much of what happens on the show is spontaneous and unrehearsed. One episode featured an appearance by Floyd Mayweather Jr. When Drydek challenged the boxer about his reputation for traveling with a million dollars in cash, Mayweather promptly emptied a Gucci bag containing the cash on the stage floor.
Recalling the episode, Green notes that he appreciates the security that comes with shooting on a gated lot. The iconic studio also provides easy access for celebrity guests, hassle free audience management and a cool vibe. “They always accommodate us,” Green says. “We’re happy to be there.”
About Hollywood Center Studios
Hollywood Center Studios has a rich and colorful history that mirrors the development of Hollywood and the growth of the entertainment industry. The studio has played host to some of the most notable productions of the past century, including such iconic television shows as I Love Lucy, The Addams Family, Jeopardy, Rockford Files and Mad TV, and classic film productions such as When Harry Met Sally and The Player. In recent years, Hollywood Center Studios has continued to grow and modernize to support its large television clientele which includes Disney, NBC, Comedy Central and MTV. Hollywood Center Studios remains a vital part of the Hollywood community and a place where entertainment history continues to be made every day.
Hollywood Center Studios is located at 1040 N. Las Palmas Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90038. For more information, call (323) 860-0000 or visit www.HollywoodCenter.com.