Fresh Editorial, a bi-coastal studio dedicated to the art of visual storytelling, has opened its doors. Headed by Executive Producer Sean DeVeaux, Fresh currently represents the editorial talents of Richard Cooperman and Todd Stewart. The two have collaborated with some of the top directors in the industry, including Jonas Akerlund, Nigel Simpkiss, Henry-Alex Rubin, and Sam Mendes.
The inspiration for Fresh Editorial stems from the team’s slogan of “Fresh Minds = Fresh Ideas.” An avid gardener, Cooperman also has a long history of growing his own organic produce, which is fitting for a company that’s focused on bringing a vibrant and colorful energy to the editorial process.
“To us, Fresh stands for something new, pure and organic,” explains DeVeaux. “Our editors take a holistic approach to concepts – as both storytellers and post directors, which shows in the quality of their work. We want to offer clients a comfortable environment where they can hang out, share ideas and enjoy fresh produce from Richard’s organic garden. Who can turn down homemade salsa? And having the ability and resources to run a job concurrently through Los Angeles and New York make this studio a very appealing option for clients.”
“At the heart of it, we want to have fun and work with passionate people,” adds Cooperman. “No matter the genre, we’ll make sure the story feels right. Clients really appreciate when you go that extra mile.”
An editorial tour de force, Richard Cooperman has exhibited his versatile talents at some of the best companies in the industry, including Brass Knuckles, Avenue Edit, Mission Editorial and Jigsaw. His Hugo Boss spot, “HUGO Just Different,” directed by Jonas Akerlund and featuring actor / musician Jared Leto, was honored by top web resource Mashable as one of the 20 most-shared video ads in July.
Recent and upcoming work for Cooperman includes campaigns for Jeep, Hugo Boss with actor Orlando Bloom, K-Mart with Selena Gomez, a new project with Akerlund and an Oscar-winning actress, and a music video for German industrial metal band Rammstein, which has an online following in the millions.
Todd Stewart brings a decade of experience as an editor, having worked at notable shops including Consulate and Blue Rock. His body of work spans national and international spots and web content for Levi’s, Budweiser, Converse, Revlon, ESPN, Armani, L’Oreal, Motorola, Clairol, Puma, McDonald’s, and NY Times.
Recent director collaborations include David Frankham, Philip Andelman, Jake Nava, Jonathan Krisel, Max Malkin, Bram Van Riet, and Bruce Weber. In addition, his work has been shown in the windows of Collette in Paris and Kenneth Cole in NYC, on the Wembley Stadium jumbotron, and at the Saatchi Gallery in London.
Stewart’s upcoming work includes a campaign for Quiksilver, and a series of projects for Fashion Week in New York.
“Growing your own produce is not necessarily the simplest or most straightforward process, but the dedication you put in always yields better results,” concludes Cooperman. “In this same way, when you see an idea come to fruition, it’s a truly rewarding experience.”