A piece by <a href="http://(www.foundationcontent.com)“>Foundation Content, created for FAIR. in support of abolishing California Prop 8 called “Every Heart Matters” has been selected as one of three finalists by the E-Hero Awards selection committee for the 2010 Human Rights Campaign Gala in Los Angeles. The Gala is being held on March 13th at the Hyatt Century Plaza Hotel and will feature U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer. Portia DeRossi will be presented with the HRC Visibility Award and Kathy Griffin will be receiving the Ally for Equality Award.
FAIR is a group that was formed to fight for marriage equality in California. One of the founders of the FAIR. organization, Dayna Frank, contacted Foundation’s LA producer Stacy Paris for help creating a PSA using the Shepard Fairey “Love Unites”) poster image for which they secured the rights to use (he also designed the Obama HOPE poster).
Creative Director Samantha Hart called upon writer, Julie Hall, for help in word-smithing a powerful piece for which Foundation’s directing duo Focus Creeps traveled to San Francisco and Los Angeles to work with real families and couples to shoot candid moments of them in their homes or playing with their children. The footage was edited by Tom Pastorelle and cut together with graphic images and additional photography shot on the Foundation stage.
Marriage Equality is not just a California issue, but an issue the whole country is facing.
Foundation’s Stacy Paris says, “We are proud to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the cause and thrilled that our piece has been selected for this prestigious event.”
About FAIR
With its finger on the pulse of the passion and potential within our generation, FAIR (Freedom Action Inclusion Rights) is revolutionizing what it means to be young and active. Stepping up after the passage of Proposition 8 to galvanize emerging leaders, FAIR has emerged as a grassroots force with its head in Hollywood, its heart in Sacramento, and its feet planted firmly in the grassroots. The group brings together the skills, passion, and determination of a group of young professionals from diverse backgrounds committed to ensuring that the struggle for equality has a visible face, image, and message. Rebranding activism for a new generation, FAIR engages individuals who have long remained on the periphery of political action and reinvigorates seasoned activists with new ideas, energy, and hope. FAIR‘s first event occurred on November 15th, 2008 when, in less than a week, we brought 15,000 people to City Hall and asked Shepard Fairey to create the ‘Love Unites’ image – which is now a unifying symbol at equality events across the globe. The true impact of our mission culminates with the launch of FAIRforward, a micro-fund that provides the financial and human capital needed to support up-and-coming activists in their efforts to change the world. Working to create a tangible shift in California’s marriage equality movement, FAIR embodies and empowers a new generation to claim equality and freedom as their own and wages war on homophobia, with pop culture street cred backing us up. www.faironline.org
About Foundation
<a href="http://(www.foundationcontent.com)“>Foundation Content ((www.foundationcontent.com)) is a full-service production/post company and creative engine with offices in Santa Monica and Chicago. Founded six years ago by James Lipetzky and Hart, Foundation has in the past several years firmly established itself as the go to production resource for innovative and inspired work offering clients service and vision beyond traditional advertising.