Kodak’s motion picture film Web site (www.kodak.com/go/motion) has been expanded to include more information about how and why the creative community is using film. The site includes powerful commentary from a wide selection of distinguished industry professionals talking about the various aesthetic, practical and financial reasons for choosing to shoot on film. Additionally, online-exclusive articles take a global, in-depth look at productions and their workflows, from camera negative to digital post. The site also features news and events to keep filmmakers connected, monthly Q&A interviews, tools to help filmmakers through the creative process, and information about Kodak products, services and industry initiatives.
The revamped site is anchored by a series of customer testimonials, in the “Film. No Compromise” section, that focus on the creative benefits of shooting on film, while tackling some of today’s digital hype – such as the myth that digital capture is always “cheaper, faster and good enough.” Speaking passionately from their own experiences, cinematographers, directors, producers, editors, creative directors, colorists and archivists all comment on such topics as the unmatched latitude and flexibility of film in an HD world, the true costs of shooting film, the power of the digital intermediate combined with film origination, and the archival capabilities that only film offers. Additional observations are made about the Super 16 mm format and the art and craft of 30-second storytelling.
For example, the current featured highlight looks at production costs from the perspective of filmmakers, commercial producers and film educators. Next, this section will feature an in-depth view of the archival benefits of film.
Another area of the site, The Storyboard, provides contributors with an outlet for discussing facts and expressing opinions about the state of filmmaking today. Recent postings include information from Kodak scientists about the various film formats available at present and the comparative merits of different capture media – both film and digital. This is also the place where award-winning young filmmakers have talked about commercial production and the importance of archiving content for the future.
Supplementing the many articles posted online from Kodak’s In Camera magazine, monthly web exclusives explore the various experiences of filmmakers choosing to originate on motion picture negative. The details of their creative journey and decision-making process are covered from early tests to the challenges of location and/or stage production, through postproduction and beyond.
“Our goal is to support the worldwide filmmaking community by providing information and tools that help them during the creative process and throughout their careers,” says Nicole Phillips, Kodak’s director of web marketing for the Entertainment Imaging Division. “Creatives need access to information 24/7. They also want ways to stay connected in a global industry. This expanded content on the Web site is another way we can support and respond to their needs.”
Regular features on the Web site still include product information, links to offices and Kodak programs worldwide, reports on student and faculty projects and activities at film schools around the world, as well as access to other Kodak publications, such as field and references guides. Customer testimonials highlight “Film. No Compromise” section (www.kodak.com/go/nocompromise) The Storyboard addresses industry perspectives, technical information, and a range of viewpoints on the art, science and business of entertainment (www.kodak.com/go/storyboard) Online exclusive stories take an in-depth look at why and how filmmakers choose celluloid (www.kodak.com/go/incamera) Become a fan of the Kodak motion picture film Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kodak-Motion-Picture-Film/40524618557)
Kodak’s Entertainment Imaging Division is the world-class leader in providing film, digital and hybrid motion imaging products, services, and technology for the professional motion picture and exhibition industries.